Executive Director's Note...

We need your input!

Trying to balance faith, hope and optimism with disbelief, concern and fear is a challenge I think we're all going through right now. Given the simple reality that no one knows the future, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst is the new normal and contingency planning is now a part of our day-to-day business strategy.

With this strategy in mind -- and noting that your health and safety is our top priority -- we seek your input.

Currently, our plans for the APP's 107th Annual Conference (August 9 to 12, 2020) are well underway (see our agenda below). With only a few exceptions, all speakers have been confirmed, field trips have been planned and we remain optimistic that the world will return to normal in time to have guests from both sides of the Pacific join us in Nanaimo, Canada. At present, our plan is to closely monitor the situation but refrain from making any decisions until the end of April.

In the meantime, we'd like to ask your opinion so we can carefully consider our next steps just in case.

Please reply back to this message with your thoughts:
  1. If, as some are predicting, current restrictions on gatherings and travel remain in place until July, will you still plan on attending the conference in August? What would be the latest date for restrictions to be lifted that would still allow you to attend?
  2. If, as others are predicting, restrictions last through the summer and we're forced to reschedule, would you more likely vote for an October, 2020 date or prefer to delay until Summer 2021?

I look forward to your responses - feel free to call if you prefer to discuss in person.

Best regards,
Jane McIvor
Association of Pacific Ports
jane@pacificports.org / +1-604-893-8800