Association of Pacific Ports News
April 6, 2021
In this issue...
  • Welcome new members!
  • GCT Global Container Terminals Inc.
  • Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc.
  • Salus Resources Inc.
  • Mark your calendar - APP's Annual Conference
  • Member News:
  • Maritime job opportunities from Shey-Harding
  • Two Port of San Diego employees recognized by San Diego Business Journal as Women of Influence in Engineering
  • Liebherr Container Cranes to supply two new STS to The Port of Liverpool
  • Latino leader worth watching: BB&K Partner Ruben Duran
  • Upcoming event: Panel discussion: Midstream / Liebherr / NIRAS Group
  • Port of Skagit provides grant to Concrete Chamber of Commerce
  • Port of Long Beach Fire Station 15 nears completion
  • From American Journal of Transportation: Redwood City’s Zortman “cautiously optimistic” about 2021 but port faces dredging challenges
  • Port Authority of Guam set to remove inoperable cranes
  • Port of Portland welcomes two new commissioners
  • Port of Newport preparing for building demolition on Bay Blvd
  • Commonwealth Ports Authority completes replacement of Passenger Loading Bridges
GCT Global Container Terminals Inc. joins APP

GCT Global Container Terminals Inc. (GCT) is the latest terminal operator to join the Association of Pacific Ports. With four terminals – GCT Vanterm and GCT Deltaport in British Columbia, Canada; GCT Bayonne in New Jersey, and GCT New York on Staten Island – GCT’s presence on both the East and West Coasts of North America serves the top container carriers in the world, abiding by the values of ‘safety, pride and professionalism.’ “These are more than just words for us,” Marko Dekovic, Vice President, Public Affairs told the APP as we welcomed them to the Association. “They drive every action, innovation, and success at GCT and are the principles upheld by our leadership, staff, and workforce to provide best-in-class service to our customers and stakeholders.” Indeed, a quick review of their history, current activities and future goals bears this out.

APP welcomes Pavement Technical Solutions

The Association of Pacific Ports is pleased to welcome Pavement Technical Solutions, Inc. (PTS) as our newest Associate Member. Established in 2010 by President Brian J. Orandello, PTS is a full-service pavement engineering, management, inspection, testing, and evaluation firm known for its ability to provide innovative engineering solutions to a diverse array of clients around the world. In speaking with Vice President Rob Dodson, APP was impressed with the breadth of knowledge, expertise, and professional approach to developing cost effective solutions for their clients.

APP welcomes Salus Resources Inc.

The Association of Pacific Ports is pleased to welcome Salus Resources as our newest Associate Member. With extensive experience in environmental impact analyses, President Zach Hughes described the company’s unique skillset that assists clients with projects involving the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). His specialty is sound impact analysis. “We’ve done over 200 ESA consultations directly and more than 100 that included sound impact analysis,” he said, adding that much of his work involved infrastructure projects for governments and ports.

Port of San Diego to host next APP Conference
October 24 to 27, 2021
Big news from the Association of Pacific Ports and the Port of San Diego! We're very pleased to announce that planning has begun for the next APP Annual Conference -- scheduled for October 24 to 27, 2021 in beautiful San Diego.

In addition to an agenda that will touch on key issues for Port Members, including infrastructure (funding and permitting), environmental sustainability and best practices, safety and security, resiliency, port and harbor operations, community outreach and much, much more, we're planning on port tours, golf and, of course, networking! Lots of networking!

We're optimistic that the vaccines will do their job and we'll be able to meet in person by late fall. Just in case, though, we'll be including a virtual component for anyone unable to travel. Unfortunately, the timing of the vaccine rollout provides too much uncertainty for Nanaimo in August which has now been cancelled.

Stay tuned for details. If you would like to get involved, contact Jane McIvor to discuss -

We're looking forward to seeing you!
Member News
Maritime job opportunities from

Shey-Harding Associates has posted new job opportunities within the marine industry, including: Director, Strategic Projects, Marine Terminal (San Pedro Bay Port Complex); Chief Operating Officer, Marine Terminal (San Pedro Bay Port Complex); Director of Information Technology (Port of Corpus Christi)

Two Port of San Diego employees recognized by San Diego Business Journal as Women of Influence in Engineering

March 30, 2021 — Two Port of San Diego employees have been selected by the San Diego Business Journal as Women of Influence in Engineering. This prestigious designation recognizes progressive and cutting-edge women who advance their organizations’ or companies’ goals and lead high-level projects to fruition.

The Port is proud to announce that Perla Goco, capital project manager, and Ani Mehra, an associate engineer, both in the Port’s Engineering & Construction Department, were selected for the recognition amongst several nominees within the region. They are featured in the San Diego Business Journal’s March 29 special report on engineering and construction.

Liebherr Container Cranes to supply two new STS to The Port of Liverpool

March 30, 2021 — The Port of Liverpool is the UK’s most centrally located container port – and one of the largest, busiest and most diverse docks in the UK. The port currently operates five Liebherr STS with the first STS entering service in 1999.

The new STS cranes have an outreach and lift height of 40 m, a backreach of 18 m, a span of 16.785 m and a Safe Working Load of 40 t under single lift spreader. The Liebherr crane design utilises high tensile steel and a lattice boom and beam, resulting in a lighter crane with reduced wheel loads, a key consideration due to the narrow span and quay structure at The Port of Liverpool. 

Latino leader worth watching: BB&K Partner Ruben Duran

March 30, 2021 — Best Best & Krieger LLP Partner Ruben Duran, selected to Profiles in Diversity Journal’s inaugural Latino Leaders Worth Watching list, says in an essay published by the magazine that he set out early in his legal career to improve cities and create strong and healthy communities.

In an essay titled “How I Found my Perfect Career,” Ruben says he switched from pre-med to political science, with an eye on law school, after realizing he enjoyed student government and public policy.

Upcoming Industry Event...

Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – 3:00 pm BST
The terminal of today: Should we stop thinking so much about the technology of the future and focus on the technology of now?

Are you thinking too far ahead and missing out on commercial and operational gains you could be making right now from today’s technology? Join Liebherr, NIRAS Group and Midstream Lighting on this engaging and entertaining panel to find out how you can act, right now.

Port of Skagit provides grant to Concrete Chamber of Commerce

March 29, 2021 — The Port of Skagit is providing a grant of up to $10,000 to the Concrete Chamber of Commerce as part of a Targeted Community Partnership Program.

The grant funding, provided to the Chamber as the project sponsor, will go to help offset the costs of replacing the HVAC system at the Concrete Theatre as part of the theatre’s expansion. The Concrete Theatre recently purchased adjacent space in downtown Concrete to provide additional meeting space for different community events, as well as expanded business operations for the theatre.

Port of Long Beach Fire Station 15 nears completion

March 29, 2021 — When Fire Station No. 15 first opened on Pier F, the engine’s garage was a steel-framed enclosure with corrugated paneling and fire crews lived in trailers. That was nearly 40 years ago.

Today, construction workers are putting the finishing touches on a permanent Fireboat Station No. 15. A key feature of the gleaming, 20,000-square foot facility is its 11,200-square foot boat bay, the first covered home for a fireboat in Port history.

“World-class emergency services are a must for a world-class port,” said Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners President Frank Colonna. “We’re thrilled to dedicate Fireboat Station No. 15 in the coming weeks.”

From American Journal of Transportation: Redwood City’s Zortman “cautiously optimistic” about 2021 but port faces dredging challenges

March 26, 2021 — The Port of Redwood City was recently featured in AJOT. Continue reading the article written by Stas Margaronis…

The Port of Redwood City is “cautiously optimistic” about 2021 cargo volumes for imports and exports but the lack of annual ship channel dredging is allowing shoaling to worsen. The result is delays and higher costs for loading and unloading of vessels, according to Executive Director Kristine Zortman.

In an interview with AJOT Zortman reported the following developments:

Port Authority of Guam set to remove inoperable cranes

March 26, 2021 — The demolition and removal of the old gantry cranes will soon begin now that the Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors has approved the project award.

The Board of Directors yesterday approved the award to Guam Industrial Services DBA Guam Shipyard for the Design/Demolition Bid for Demolition Removal and Proper Disposal of 5 Port Inoperable Cranes and Optional Removal/Proper Disposal of One Barge YFN 816 Along Wharf F-6.

“I want to thank all the divisions who are a part of this endeavor. It is a culmination of a lot of work and time to put the bid packet together and to also ensure that we are compliant with the procurement process,” Port General Manager Rory J. Respicio said during yesterday’s meeting. “This project will also help generate money for the Port as the space that will be freed up by the removal of all of this equipment will then be able to be utilized which will bring in wharfage and dockage fees.”

Port of Portland welcomes two new commissioners

March 25, 2021 — On March 4, the Oregon Senate approved Gov. Kate Brown’s appointments of Ketan Sampat and Stuart Strader to the Port of Portland Commission. Their terms began on March 15, 2021. Sampat replaces Commissioner Tom Tsuruta and represents Washington County, while Strader replaces Linda Pearce as the Port’s Clackamas County representative.

“I want to thank Tom Tsuruta and Linda Pearce for their years of service, and welcome Ketan Sampat and Stuart Strader to the Port of Portland Commission,” said Governor Kate Brown. “The Port Commission plays a key role in creating new statewide economic opportunities, and Ketan and Stuart’s combined years of experience and leadership will help ensure our marine ports and air terminals continue to keep Oregonians connected to the competitive, global economy.”

Port of Newport preparing for building demolition on Bay Blvd

March 25, 2021 — Officials at the Port of Newport are thinking about how to handle some soon-to-be-vacant property on the waterfront pending demolition of a condemned building at 343 SW Bay Boulevard.

In recent months, port officials had responded to concerns that the structure was leaning. The building, which was constructed partially on pilings, was examined first by an engineer hired by the Port, quickly followed by a City of Newport inspector, who deemed it unsafe to occupy.

At the monthly Port Commission meeting on Tuesday, the board authorized the hiring of Road and Driveway Company of Newport to demolish the building at an anticipated cost of $23,160. Director of Operations Aaron Bretz said the demolition permit would be filed with the city this week for the removal of the building.

Commonwealth Ports Authority completes replacement of Passenger Loading Bridges

March 25, 2021 — The Commonwealth Ports Authority (CPA) contracted the replacement of three of its passenger loading bridges to AIC Marianas, Inc., in January 2019. The new bridges were installed and inspected in February 2021, and the first airline to use the bridges was United Airlines on February 25, 2021. CPA’s final acceptance of these three bridges will be processed in April 2021.

The design package to replace the remaining three bridges is currently being finalized.

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