
Center for Entrepreneurship - West Houston   
Apply to be An Advisor  in the 
2020 HCC Business Plan Competition
Your Experience can Empower our Entrepreneurs

The Houston Community College Center for Entrepreneurship is preparing for the 13 th  annual HCC Business Plan Competition.  We invite you to join 50 to 60 other experienced entrepreneurial, business and technology experts by applying to become an Advisor today. 

Advisors are a powerful and sustaining thread in the program; as an Advisor you will have an opportunity to help entrepreneurs of all ages who are entering the HCC Business Plan Competition to take expert advice and use it to become more successful.

Twenty-five entrepreneur teams will be accepted into the 2020 Competition.  We accept proposed, startup and existing companies who are entering to create refined and polished plans to start and/or grow their businesses.  Each team (of 1 to 5 contestants) will move through the competition training and advising from late February through April.  Each of the contestant teams will be matched with two expert Advisors.  If you are selected as an Advisor, you will be matched to a team based on your preferences and the team's business concept and needs.   Advisors are critical to the success of the Competition.  

The Role of the Advisor is to:
  • Encourage contestants to meet deadlines and complete competition;
  • Review contestants' work regularly;
  • Advise and guide contestants pointing out deficiencies and making suggestions;
  • Lead by example: meet commitments, keep contestant(s) positive, encourage timeliness and complete work, follow-up on status of suggestions made at previous meeting; and
  • Serve as a Business Plan Reviewer. 

Your time commitment is about 25 hours between now and May 2020. 
This includes:
  • Optional Advisor Reception & Orientation on February 11th, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at HCC Alief Hayes  
    • Advisors only - no competition applicants/contestants. 
  • Five Contestant Training Sessions
We request advisors attend at least three of the five sessions:
  • Tuesday evenings from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
  • February 25, March 3, March 24, April 7 and April 21.
  • One-on-one meetings usually held immediately before or after one of the training sessions and up until plans are due on May 6.

  • Optional Attendance at Business Plan Pitches If your Team Makes the Finals!  May 21, 2020 
  • Optional Attendance at Awards Ceremony - May 28, 2020 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Give the Business Plan Contestants the advice and guidance you wish you had when you started or wanted to grow your business.  

We will respond to your application shortly after you submit it with questions or acceptance into the Advisor cohort.

Thank you for your time and consideration!  Being of service as a volunteer advisor can change the lives of these entrepreneurs!

Apply to Become an ADVISOR in the 2020 HCC Business Plan Competition


More About the 2020 HCC Business Plan Competition

About the HCC Center for Entrepreneurship - West Houston

OUR MISSION:  To help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.  We do this by offering workshops, seminars, summits, classes and competitive training and advising, while also providing practical knowledge, resources and connections.
Contact us at or 713-718-6650