August 2020 Edition
Publication of APPNA Communications Committee
head1-july2020President Update
head-2-aug2020APPNA Elections: Meet the Candidates

Candidates for APPNA President Elect 2021

Haroon Durrani, MD

Aftab Khan, MD

Shahid Rashid, MD

Candidate for APPNA Secretary 2021

Arshad Rehan, MD

Candidate for APPNA Treasurer 2021

Humeraa Qamar, MD

Tayyib Rana, MD
APPNA YPN APP Presentation Video

By Dr. Ghazala Ahmed
It's a privilege to present to you this beautiful app which we developed for APPNA YPN after extensive discussions and also feedback from our youth Forum. The ideology behind APPNA YPN is to promote healthy and happy friendships, associations and through these relationships build families for the future, who become the new bricks of a healthy society.

APPNA persuaded ECFMG to allow Pakistani medical graduates to apply for 2021 match despite suspension of USMLE exams. APPNA worked with ECFMG and Pakistan government to have Pakistan's MBBS degree recognized as meeting ECFMG Pathway 2 requirements thus qualifying Pakistani medical graduates for the Residency Match. Details are on ECFMG page. Read more...
APPNA Stories from frontline

Dr. Nasir Syed

Tribute by
Dr. Lubna Naeem
Past President APPNA South Central Texas Chapter, Past Treasurer/Secretary APPNA
A Warrior against COVID-19 

Dr. Nasir Syed is a man of many facets - Altruist, Leader, Philanthropist, and a pulmonary specialist are a few titles he has garnered through his life's work. A contemplative man by nature he took family, practice of medicine, and community to the heart of his existence. In community gatherings, I saw him, a gentleman holding hands of the elderly and feeble, getting them to cross the street into masjid, helping people park their cars in order.

Later, I met him at the inception of our South-Central Texas APPNA chapter meetings; he was so supportive and helping, it was a matter of faith to believe it. He volunteered to lead the Chapter into right direction as chairman board of trustees. 

Farukhuddin, MD
Joining my residency this year on time was real farfetched amidst this COVOD-19 pandemic. We were completely hopeless during those global crisis and unprecedented times. APPNA played huge role in advocating for young physicians from reasoning with PMDC and ministry of health to issue us SON as soon as possible, to negotiating with US embassies in Pakistan for emergency visa appointments. 

Haris Asif
I was born in Afghanistan and grown as a refugee in Pakistan. As a foreign citizen, I could never apply for a government seat in a medical school in Pakistan. We went back to Afghanistan in 2009 due to financial issues. My father could never afford to pay for a private medical school in Pakistan. Alhamdulillah, I got selected for a full grade scholarship for a private medical school in Pakistan.
head7-aug2020APPNA's COVID19 efforts recognized by Pakistan's Foreign Ministry

APPNA honored for its COVID19 philanthropy by being named to Pakistan Foreign Minister's Honors List on Pakistan Independence Day! Thank you APPNA members for all your generosity and volunteering!

COVID Webinar series will be 50 Webinars old end of next month. With a lot of education and discussion between experts here in North America and Pakistan over the past five months, we will be transitioning to the next series. 

1- APPNA MERIT is launching Family Medicine Specialty Rotations
A Blended Active Learning Program with weekly Live Sessions. The vision is to provide General Practitioners (GPs) in Pakistan with 'virtual Speciality rotations' with active learning through online Sessions, Read More...

2- Nursing Chapter in APPNA MERIT: 
After the successful launching of a nine webinar series of critical care nursing for the nurses assigned to critically ill patients with COVID-19, a four-month blended online module based course for critical care nursing is being launched in October this year. Read More...

3- One-year Stroke Mini Fellowship online course:
This will be launched in October this year.

4- New sections in MERIT: 
Nephrology, ER, Nursing, Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine, Research. 


1. 15,000 dollars given to Saylani for hot meals distribution to people affected by rains and floods. So far, 90,000 people have been given these meals. 

2. Food rations distributed in KPK to 500 families through Al Khidmat and 14,000 dollars given for that. 

3. Hands Organization gave food rations to 200 families in Azad Kashmir area for 5,000 dollars. 

4. PPE distributed in Balochistan in DHQ hospitals and given to 7 hospitals including Ziarat, Loralai and Musakhel. Sorry for the late text. Since July 16 when cornea surgeries started again, Appna has sent 106 corneas to Pakistan and these have been sent to Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Sargodha and Faisalabad including LRBT Eye Hospitals.

APPNA COVID19 Resources

APPNA President Dr. Naheed Usmani's Message - July 27, 2020
President's Message - July 27, 2020
President's Message - June 28, 2020
President's Message - June 28, 2020

Donation Drive
as of 7/28/2020

APPNA Winter Meeting 2020
December 21-26, 2020

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