May 2020  Edition
APPNA President Eid Message header-2

Dear APPNA Family and Friends,
Assalamalaikum. Eid Mubarak.
This month of blessings has flown by, and I hope all of you and your families are doing well in the midst of this pandemic. It has impacted our work, our social life and challenged our priorities. In this age of isolation, it is critical we stay connected with each other. As we celebrate Eid restricted to our homes, please take a few moments to remember our fellow physicians who gave their lives treating COVID patients. Please pray for them and all the other healthcare workers and patients who tragically succumbed to this virus. 

Dr. Ijaz Ahsan

Professor Ijaz Ahsan , excelled at what he did. He was the Best Graduate of K.E. , the Best husband , father , brother , uncle and teacher. Few know that besides being the finest of surgeons, he was a keen photographer , a tennis player , a student of singing who enjoyed playing the harmonium , a passionate agriculturist and an avid writer.

Dr. Nadeem Qureshi
When I was first asked to talk about my experience with COVID I really didn't know where to start. Alhumduliulah, I have been blessed to have never had to face any debilitating issues with my health, Allah swt has been very kind. And even when, my symptoms first started it was really just cough and congestion and I didn't think much of it.

Dr. Amjad Hussain
Dr. Amjad Hussain delivered the commencement address at t he University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences. He was conferred with the honorary degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) at the commencement for his accomplishments in myriad fields including surgery and surgery research, teaching, writing, journalism, explorations and calligraphy.

Dr. Junaid Razzak

Please join us in congratulating Prof. Dr. Junaid Razzak,  M.B.B.S., Ph.D. F.A.C.E.P., for  being awarded this years'   Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award from the 2020 S.A.E.M. Global Emergency Medicine Academy (G.E.M.A.).  

  • APPNA President, Dr. Naheed Usmani, has focused on regular, sustained engagement with Pakistan's leadership, US Ambassador in Pakistan, and US State Department. Dr. Usmani has been sending them updates on APPNA's COVID19 efforts, MERIT webinars, visa advocacy. US Embassy has also engaged very positively with Dr. Usmani and Advocacy committee on Visa processing for incoming residents-in-training under emergency conditions.
  • APPNA has received kudos and on-going positive communications with public officials: US Department of State, congressman Darren Soto from Florida, KY State Rep Cherlynn Stevenson, KY Sen. President Robert Stivers, KY Speaker of the House and Gov Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar.
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President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi and Dr. Zafar Mirza, Pakistan Health Minister were briefed by APPNA President, Dr. Naheed Usmani and MERIT Chair, Dr. Shahid Rafiq, on APPNA initiatives and MERIT Conference, March 2020.

US Ambassador to Pakistan, Paul Jones, briefed by APPNA President, Dr. Naheed Usmani, on APPNA initiatives and MERIT Conference, March 2020.
head-5-may2020APPNA in the News

APPNA Alumni & Chapters COVID work update
We understand that there is tremendous work being done by APPNA Alumni and chapters. We have been sending periodic request for updates. Below information reflects an abbreviated account of the information we have received from the Component society Presidents. For detailed information, please go to: Please send us information at and we will publish in next Newsletter:

JSMUAANA : Contributed $42,000 with matching funds from APPNA. 3,000 N95 mask and 1,000 face shields to hospitals in New York, JPMC and JSMU. $18,000 donated to ICNA food pantry project. A series of COVID-19 focused lectures recorded: educational seminars streamed live.

AIMCAANA:  Raised almost $33,000 with matching from APPNA.  Delivered 2,100 PPE and p rovided funds to set up air conditioning system at Jinnah Hospital's COVID Unit.  Delivered food/ration packages to more than 250 families. 

RMCAANA: Raised $14, 558 for PPE and $5,000 for Food ration drive. Vice Chancellor, Professor Mohammad Umar, holds ad hoc Webex meetings with the needed specialists for pertinent information exchange.

NANA: Delivered following items to Nishtar University: 2000 protective body, 20 diagnostic RNA amplification kits, almost 500 diagnostic kits, almost 5000 KN 95 masks, 5000 face shields and 5000 surgical masks. Arranged webinars to share knowledge to treat the COVID patients.

KEMCAANA: Raised close to $ 100,000 with partial APPNA matching. Distributed food in Pakistan and USA. Donated PPE to Mayo hospital and Hospitals in New York, Provided Hot meals to healthcare workers.

QMCAANA: With partial matching from APPNA, provided $7,000 to local Alumni for PPE and $14000 to Alkhidmat in Bahawalpur

KHYBER Alumni: PPE for US hospitals. Provided food rations to 400 + families in KPK and meals to COVID19. Advising KPK government on COVID19 policies and colleagues in Peshawar on COVID19 patient management.

Upstate NY/PA Chapter: Raised funds and provided volunteers for a local CCLD for preparation of face shields and masks. Provided over 4000 face shields to local hospitals. Raised funds for local meals on wheels.

APPNA DMV COVID response: Raised over $165,000 with matching funds from Central APPNA ($26,390) and MIC ($17,553), Food/Groceries distribution in 7 sites, PPE distribution to 7 hospitals and to 20 Physician offices. KN95 masks - 5,500, Shields - 5,000, Gowns - 3,300, COVID free testing - 2 sites

APPNA Heartland Chapter: Raised $3500. APPNA matched. Helped local hospital establish negative pressure rooms. Plaque to be placed outside room to acknowledge APPNA Heartland. 100 meals to healthcare workers during Ramadan for iftar. Donated high end cloth masks, face shields and KN95 masks.

APPNA OHIO Chapter: Raised $30,000.00 with partial APPNA matching. Collaborating with local Community Association of Pakistani Americans to provide KN-95 and surgical masks to every Pakistani American family (about 800) in Columbus and central Ohio area. Provided food for a month to 400 + families in Pakistan during Ramadan.

APPNA COVID19 Resources

APPNA COVID19 Response Update - President's Message - April 25, 2020
APPNA COVID19 Response - April 25, 2020 Update by Dr. Naheed Usmani, President APPNA 2020

APPNA COVID19 Response - April 14, 2020 Update by Dr. Naheed Usmani, President APPNA 2020
APPNA COVID19 Response - April 14, 2020 Update by Dr. Naheed Usmani, President APPNA 2020

Donation Drive
as of 4/28/2020

APPNA Fall Meeting 2020
Boston, MA, USA
October 8-11, 2020

APPNA Winter Meeting 2020
December 21-26, 2020

Web:   Email:

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