October 2017   e-Newsletter
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President's Message: 
Mobile Health Units

Dear APPNA Family,

I just returned home after attending APPNA's Fall meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 26-28th. In the council meeting and in my address to APPNA members during the banquet on Saturday night, I spoke about the APPNA's role in community service in USA. 
As you all know, this year southeast was hit hard by natural disasters and our neighbors suffered tremendously. APPNA members did wonderful volunteer work to provide relief and aide in hurricane affected areas of Texas, Florida and the Caribbean and, APPNA spent $35,000 on relief work. However, as we discussed in the council meeting on October 28th, the need for healthcare assistance is ongoing and should occur in peace time as well.

I am happy to report that APPNA Council approved the purchase of at least 2 mobile health units and a relief truck. These mobile health units will be used by APPNA members to serve the local population and will be maintained by ICNA Relief in accordance with our MOU. ICNA Relief is a four star charity registered in USA and has a presence in all states of USA. Currently, they are doing much needed relief work in Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. 
Not only will the units be used in the time of disaster but APPNA chapters can use them to provide free health services to uninsured, indigent population of our country. I think it is a good way to put APPNA's good name out in the community.

Please join me in congratulating the Hurricane disaster relief adhoc committee and it's chair Dr. Babar Rao in undertaking a wonderful initiative, which will expand our medical mission throughout USA. 

Friends, the phrase "Civic Engagement through Community Service" was coined with the purpose to put APPNA at forefront of community service in USA, and has been the center of APPNA's operation throughout the year. Our work has included community projects all over the country, through APPNA free clinics, medical missions and a new food pantry program. All of the above will hopefully continue in the years to come.

I hope to see some of you at the winter meeting in Lahore in December.


Sajid Chaudhary, MD
President APPNA, 2017
New York Terrorist Attack
Message from APPNA Executive Committee

Once again the heart of our country was targeted by a miserable soul with a deranged mind, who committed a heinous crime in New York City. Once again eight innocent people lost their lives, 5 of them being college graduates from Argentina. There are no words to express our anger and anguish on these events. Any person who conducts such barbarian crimes is condemned strongly and should be punished to greatest extent of the law. 
Our country is strong and our people are resilient and we will always support each other in difficult times. Our heartfelt prayers for the victims and their families and, for speedy recovery of those who were injured in the incident. 
  Head-2 APPNA National Health Care Day

Saturday, October 7, 2017 was the National Healthcare Day and 32 chapters participated in the program with vigor and enthusiasm. All of 32 sites Nationwide did a great job in arranging NHCD and giving back to our communities. I am greatly indebted to all Nationwide coordinators' hard work and participation. During my last three years as chair, this has been the highest number of sites. We also had the largest number of flu shots requests this year which brought our number of flu shots to 40 per site while a couple of sites opted to purchase them locally.

We need to continue this enthusiasm in coming years as well regardless who is the president and chair in future. There are always some shortcomings when such an event is being organized all across the USA, but over all the events went well and people were very happy. We will learn from our errors and continue to improve in the future.
Thanks to APPNA President, Dr. Sajid Chaudhary, Dr. Rubina Inayat, Mrs. Jennifer Wozniak-Watson, JD and Mr. Nicholas Suh who supported me for the success of this event.

Ehtsham Haq, MD
APPNA National Health Care Day Committee 2017

APPNA's Social Welfare and Disaster Relief 
Project Update

SWDR committee is the humanitarian arm of APPNA and our focus is helping the people in need who cannot afford heath care or other necessaries of life. It is APPNA's way of giving back to the community

SWDRC has initiated and sustained multiple projects over time either independently or in collaboration with other reputable organizations. Services through our projects are free of cost to patients. Current projects include Muskan, Cornea transplant, LRBT (cataract surgeries) and Clean water supply in Thar, Pakistan. APPNA members have always supported us and, this year so far we collected nearly $200,000.00 for our projects for which we are thankful the member.
APPNA SWDRC projects are free of cost to the patient and families, there is no overhead cost as 100% of donation goes to cause and our volunteers work for free. Additionaly, there is strict oversight and regular updates are provided to the donors.
 This year One of the two new projects was Muskan (Cleft Lip-Palate project).
 Muskan: Cleft Lip-Palate Initiative is being done in collaboration with Cincinnati/Ohio chapters and Punjab/Khyber medical college alumnii association. So far, we have collected more than $42,000.00 and more than 50 surgeries have been done successfully. The project is ongoing in Peshawar, Faisalabad, Quetta and Karachi. Cost/surgery $250. Surgeries are free of cost to patients and their families. 

Please donate and change life of one person/child at a time. A noble use of your Zakat/donation. 

Submitted by Dr. Shahid Shaikh.
Chair, SWDRC 2017

APPNA Cornea Transplant Project  was launched in March of 2017 by the King Edward Class of 1985. There has been an increasing need for corneas in Pakistan for transplants due to lack of awareness about being a donor for this purpose.

In the past, corneas have mainly been sent from Sri Lanka who has been a major donor, and this was the first time that corneas were obtained from USA.  The Eye Banks here coordinated with APPNA and initially the corneas were sent to Mayo Hospital, Lahore and to Allied and Medina Hospital in Faisalabad. Later, both Khyber Teaching Hospital and Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar became involved as well.

The corneas cost 200 dollars each and then the transportation cost is 50 dollars. Corneas are transported to Pakistan and within 72 hours after being sent from here, they are transplanted in the recipients in Pakistan. All age groups have benefited from this procedure. A patient who had lost his vision due to small pox got the surgery and was able to see after 60 years.

More recently, the Karachi Eye Bank Hospital and Nishtar Medical College from Multan and now Bahawalpur Victoria Hospital are part of this network as well. Patients travel several miles from small towns and villages to benefit from this surgery. Patients from Baluchistan have been coming to Karachi to get the surgery done.

We remain grateful to the ophthalmologists in Pakistan for volunteering their time and performing free surgery and also seeing these patients for follow ups.

APPNA is also grateful to the many donors and others who have supported this project and we have raised 82,000 dollars due to your generosity. 

The gift of vision is a priceless gift that changes a recipient's life.

To this day, 300 corneas have been transplanted and 300 lives have been changed thanks to the support of our donors!

Submitted by Dr. Aisha Zafar.
Adviser SWDRC 2017.

This year's work of our ongoing Clean Sweet Water Project for remote areas of Thar desert will Insha'Allah start in a week or two. This includes building a combination of water wells and water pumps depending upon ground circumstances, donor requests, and population served in the area. This project is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Insha'Allah, we will share a full report with you and our donors once the project is finished.

We offer thanks to our donors whose ongoing support has made this project a great success for the last few years. It is our hope to carry on this project from year to year, which can only be possible with your generous donations. May Allah SWT bless this endeavor. Ameen.

Submitted by Dr. Abdul Majeed.
Co-Chair SWDRC, 2017

APPNA Winter Meeting 2017, Lahore, Pakistan
Jinay Lahore ni Wakhya O Jamya Hi Nee, Lahore Lahore Aye!!

APPNA will open the registration for its annual winter meeting on Thursday, November 2nd, 2017. Please register and join APPNA in celebrating its 40th anniversary at  at Allama Iqbal Medical College (AIMC) Lahore from December 21 to 23, 2017
At the same time, Allama Iqbal Alumni Association of North America (AIMCAANA) will be celebrating its 20th anniversary at Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore.

The program includes ACP endorsed CME at Lahore and Rawalpindi, hands on training workshops at AIMC, a one day Cardiology conference & hands on training workshops at Punjab Institute of Cardiology conducted by Association of Pakistani Descent Cardiologists of North America (APCNA). Allama Iqbal Medical College Faculty will be hosting a dinner in the honor of APPNA delegates at the grounds of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore. There will be a Young Physicians symposium on Training in Medicine in the United States. Additionally, there will be an Expo/Exhibit, Fashion Show, entertainment, music, and great food at Pearl Continental (PC) Hotel. APPNA will host a banquet on December 23rd, 2017 at PC Hotel. Please join us in enjoying Lahore with friends and family.

The meeting will be presided by Dr. Sajid Chaudhary and Chaired by Dr. Atique Azam Mirza with their dynamic organizing team to celebrate the 40th anniversary of APPNA & the 20th anniversary of AIMCAANA at the grounds of AIMC. A large number of Physicians from U.K., Australia and the Middle East are planning to attend this memorable event. We hope to see you in Lahore in December for a memorable winter meeting.

For more information please visit:    http://appna.org/winter-meeting/


DECEMBER 21-23, 2017
Lahore, Pakistan

If you want to highlight an APPNA Project you have been doing, please write to us at appna@appna.org

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