September 2018   e-Newsletter
Akhtar Hamidi, MD - Editor

Dear APPNA members,
The proposed amendments to APPNA bylaws are in your hands to vote upon. It is our responsibility to voice our opinion by voting for it or voting it down. Irrespective of whether these amendments are accepted or rejected, we will discuss it in Fall Council meeting to put every one's concern at rest. We urge you to use your democratic right and vote for amendments.

These amendments are primarily aimed to change the structure and function of Board of Trustees (BOT). As the chair of the Constitution and Bylaws (CABL) Committee, I have recently received many calls from APPNA members stating that they are confused by many letters or emails written to them against these amendments. I feel it an obligation to explain  why these amendments are needed, who are opposed to them and why.

For the last few years there has been an ongoing effort to improve the governance of APPNA. It has been felt that the current BOT model has many flaws as outlined below.

BOT SIZE: The BOT is too small. It comprises 5 trustees. Although APPNA membership has grown from a few hundred in 1970-80s to many thousands now, the BOT number has remained unchanged. A small BOT has two issues. First, a majority of only 3 out of 5 trustees can render a poor or biased decision which can adversely affect a very large association. Second, it does not reflect broader membership and Alumni representation.

ELECTIONS: For most of the APPNA's history, the 5 BOT seats have been awarded exclusively to a select group of 5 Alumni only. This was managed through an undemocratic election system in which friends "selected" friends. One indirect reflection of this "boys club" systems is that not a single woman was considered trustworthy to be a trustee in 40 years till this year; and that too after these amendments were approved by the council in Spring 201.

BOT DUTIES: Another issue with the current BOT model is that BOT duties are vaguely defined. Therefore, the BOT does not take the ownership of its responsibilities. For example, their roles in Asset Management and Long-Range Planning have been criticized for poor performance.

The proposed amendments address all these issues 


Arif Agha, MD
Chair, Constitution and Bylaws Committee (2018)
Mubashar Rana, MD, Mahmood Alam, MD, Nasar Qureshi, MD, Saima Zafar, MD, Ahsan Rashid, MD

Iqbal Zafar Hamid, MD
President, APPNA 2018


Our mobile clinic vans (joint project of APPNA & ICNA Relief) are on the ground in North Carolina to serve the people affected by Hurricane Florence.

With help from the local APPNA chapter and doctors, we have provided free medical services including basic check up, blood pressure/blood glucose/lipid panel testing, over the counter and prescription medications to over 400 needy people since last week in different cities affected by floods including Wilmington, Lumberton, Whiteville and Raeford, North Carolina.

To help continue these efforts, we request your generous donations at the following link. Select "North Carolina Flood Donation" under the <Select Fund> menu.

Babar Rao, MD
APPNA Domestic Disaster Relief

Iqbal Zafar Hamid, MD
President APPNA

APPNA Elections are going fine under Election and Nomination Committee. The process is supervised by Chair of BOT. The results will be announced at 4:00pm on Saturday, October 20th, 2018 right after Council meeting.

APPNA has consistently served its communities throughout United States of America and Canada for over 40 years. APPNA  National Health Care Day is one the great examples to arrange such an event in 29 locations across North America this year. Chapters and APPNA executive committee is in full support. APPNA President 2018, Dr. Iqbal Zafar Hamid is personally involved in success of this event on October 13, 2018.

Ehtsham Haq, MD
Chair, APPNA National Health Care Day 2018
APPNA Mobile
Health Unit

APPNA University

Future Project

Help a girl dress as bride

Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute

HUM TV Network


APPNA Fall Meeting
Virginia, USA
October 18-21, 2018

1st APPNA Global Healthcare Summit
Islamabad, Lahore & Karachi, Pakistan
December 17-23, 2018
APPNA Mobile
Health Unit

APPNA University

Future Project

Help a girl dress as bride

Pakistan Kidney & Liver Institute

HUM TV Network


APPNA Fall Meeting
Virginia, USA
October 18-21, 2018

1st APPNA Global Healthcare Summit
Islamabad , Lahore & Karachi, Pakistan
December 17-23, 2018
APPNA Mobile
Health Unit

APPNA University

Future Project

Help a girl dress as bride

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