May 2016  e-Newsletter

An APPNA free health camp was held in Karachi on April 17th in Khuda ki Basti. 
APPNA had coordinated last year with an NGO Khana Gher in the same vicinity and food was provided during the month of Ramazan.     They had requested that a free medical camp be set up in the area and this was coordinated by Dr Qamar Zaman, APPNA coordinator in Pakistan.
There were several physician volunteers and medical students who joined the team and there were 1,000 patients seen in this one day medical camp. Majority of these patients were women, children and the elderly and information about preventive care was also given. Many pharmaceutical companies also donated medicines.  

Topic1APPNA endorses Interstate Medical Licensure Compact
APPNA endorses Interstate Medical Licensure Compact at it Spring Council meeting
Dr. Humayun Chaudhry, an APPNA member and CEO of Federation of State Medical Boards if United States presented the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, to the APPNA Council at it meeting in Miami.

The council unanimously voted for APPNA to ba a sponsoring organization for the Federations Effort.

Dr. Chaudhry, shared the following details:
"The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact is an effort by the state medical boards of the United States to support physicians, patients and state medical boards. 
Topic2APPNA Spain and Moroccos International Meeting
We had over 160 people join us in Barcelona and then traveling together to Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Tarifa, Tangier, Rabat, Meknes, Fes, Marrakech, and Casablanca.

In Barcelona we stayed at the W hotel on the waterfront with beautiful views of the City and the Sea. We also enjoyed the architectural imagination of Gaudi at the Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell.

From Barcelona the group traveled to Seville and stayed at the Alphonso XIII hotel - it was as if we all travelled back in time and stayed in Royal luxury. In Seville, we saw the beautiful palace and gardens at the Alcazar, walked along the romantic river at night, visited a bull farm, and visited the stunning Mosque of Córdoba. In Córdoba we also walked the centuries old streets and had time to eat ice cream in the shadow of the Mosque.

APPNA lifetime member Tariq Jawaid Alam, M.D., has been elected national chair of the General Neurology section of the American Academy of Neurology at the associations 68th annual meeting in Vancouver, B.C in April this year. Dr Alams tenure is for a 2 year period from April 2016 to April 2018. Dr John Ferro, neurologist from New York was elected as vice chair.

Dr. Alam is medical director of stroke and neurology services at Mercy Hospital Jefferson and is also a physician reviewer appointed by the state of Missouri to inspect Missouri hospitals for Time Critical Diagnosis accreditation such as stroke.

APPNA Spring Meeting 2016, Miami, Florida

Upcoming Events

OCTOBER 20-23, 2016
San Antonio, Texas

DECEMBER 22-24, 2016
Karachi, Pakistan

If you want to highlight an APPNA Project you have been doing, please write to us at