October 2015  e-Newsletter
 Pakistan Earthquake

Dear APPNA Members and Friends, 

Pakistan has been hit by a very strong earthquake, with people feeling the shocks in many densely populated cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Faisalabad, in addition to the thousands of small communities along the North and East of Pakistan. Death and injury is anticipated, along with damage to facilities and infrastructure, causing hardship to hundreds of thousands of people. 

APPNA is closely monitoring the situation in Pakistan and the Social Welfare and Disaster Relief Committee has already been activated, as in previous years to start streamlining APPNA's response. APPNA has invaluable experience of dealing with mega-disasters, including the 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan. We not only provided physicians, but helped with acute and long term care of the injured and also in rebuilding critically needed healthcare and educational facilities.
heading4 APPNA Institute of Higher Learning & Medical Education
1. To establish world class institutions of excellence related to MEDICINE and promote Medical Education
2. To establish relationships and partnerships with credible educational institutions that can further APPNA's mission and are not in conflict with our mission 
1. Establish institutes for parallel pathways for Physicians of Pakistani Descent
2. Establish School of Health Sciences
3. Establish Institute of Higher Learning with Clinical care (Hospital) and Residency Training for Physicians
4. Establishment of a Medical School
5. Establish CIHLME Philanthropy

Monsoon season was in full swing in a small village in Pakistan. In pouring rain, a sick old man was brought to consult my grandfather. He was so ill that he couldn't walk and thus had to be carried on a cot by his family. My grandfather, who was the village healer (Hakeem) led them in and inquired about the visit. He listened to his patient's complaint of high fever and chills with full attention, nodding his head, asking appropriate questions where needed for clarification. After examining his patient, he pulled yellow powder packages from his medicine chest and dispensed them along with instructions on taking them.

heading4 Strategy Meeting on Improved Governance of APPNA
A dedicated brainstorming retreat on governance was held at APPNA office in Chicago on October 10. 2015. About 25 APPNA members including 12 past presidents were in attendance in this daylong session.
heading5Frontier Medical and Dental College Visit by APPNA
APPNA President Dr. Mubasher Rana and Chair APPNA Medical Corps Dr. Asaf Riyaz Qadeer visited Frontier Medical and Dental College Abbottabad Pakistan on October 6th , 2015
The Dean in the presence of whole faculty gave a presentation on the college and a full tour.

* Qatra qatra darya ban jaata hai: drops accumulate to form a river.
* APPNA is an organization of thousands of physicians across all of North America blessed with education and financial prowess.
* What if each one of us contributed $50 or $100 every month to the APPNA Qatra Fund? The cost these days of dinner for two or four at a nice restaurant respectively.
* We would become a financial powerhouse and gain immense social and financial clout and become an entity that matters in North America.

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If you want to highlight an APPNA Project you have been doing, please write to us at appna@appna.org