September 2015  e-Newsletter
 Remembering - Dr. Hassan Bukhari
Many of you have heard the sad news of passing of our dear friend Dr. Hassan Imam Bukhari. APPNA has truly lost a stalwart! Even at this sad moment, we take joy and tremendous pride in celebrating his well-lived life. Dr. Bukhari graduated from King Edward Medical College in 1962. A vascular surgeon by profession, he was a man of many talents: a leader, teacher, philanthropist and above all a great friend. 

Dr. Bukhari's services to APPNA and KEMCAANA were nothing less than extraordinary. He was the President of APPNA from 1986-1987, and served on many APPNA committees over the years. For his remarkable services, he received APPNA lifetime achievement and gold medal awards. Dr. Bukhari regularly spent time to deliver lectures, and conduct hands on workshops in vascular surgery and trauma at South Surgical and Orthopedics Trauma Unit for over eight year. He performed surgeries at Mayo Hospital till Dec 2014.
heading4 APPNA HEMEONC Specialty Network Formed
In recent years, APPNA leadership has encouraged the inception of sub-specialty organizations and thus far cardiology, pulmonary/ critical care, gastroenterology, Anesthesia/Pain Medicine, Radiology and pediatric groups have been established. We are pleased to report the formation of APPNA-HemeOnc which will include blood disorders, oncology, radiation oncology as well as other physicians involved in cancer care.
In August 2015, the chapter was formally announced and officers and BOT members were selected. 

heading5 APPNA Qarz-e-Hasna Initiative 
The YPC loan program was initially launched during the APPNA Spring Meeting in May 2015 under its co-Chair Dr. Majid Aized. The goal is to financially help the deserving young physicians of Pakistan who are interested in pursuing post-graduate medical training in the United States. The recipient will receive up to $5,000. The entire application process is on-line at The terms and conditions include a legal written agreement to payback the money within one year of starting residency and/or paid research.

heading4 APPNA MERIT Report
APPNA MERIT (Medical, Education and Research, International Transfer) organizes quality lectures on various topics by Doctors abroad. These lectures are delivered online and over 30 medical colleges and universities from Pakistan participate with full enthusiasm.
heading5 World Hepatitis Day
APPNA strongly participated in  World Hepatitis Day was observed on 28 July, 2015 throughout Pakistan at numerous medical organizations, hospitals, NGOs and in other institutions with aim to raise global awareness about hepatitis B and C and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

APPNA - Alabama Chapter meets with Congressman to promote GRAD ACT
On September 19th , 2015   APPNA - Alabama Chapter arranged a meeting with Honorable  Congressman Mo Brooks the Representative for Alabama's 5th Congressional District who serves on three important committees:  Foreign Affairs , Armed Services, Science Space, and Technology , in Huntsville Alabama.
APPNA - Alabama Chapter Executive Committee and members joined in as a delegation to present HR 1921 (GRAD ACT) to Congressman Mo Brooks . This meeting went very successful as Congressman agreed to co sponsor GRAD ACT HR 1921.


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