August 2015  e-Newsletter
APPNA 38th Annual Convention, Orlando, Florida
Dear APPNA family and friends,
It was our utmost pleasure to host you here in Orlando. I hope you enjoyed the convention as much as we have enjoyed having you here. This convention was successful because of your active participation. As you know the success of any meeting is determined by the attendees. The fervor and pride that we saw during the Pakistan Independence Day Celebration would not been forgotten soon by any one who was present in the hotel that Day. Your active participation in all the events including the CME, the physicians in training session, the social forums, the youth debates and mentorship programs as well as the APPNA Council and General Body meetings made the convention enjoyable and productive for all. I hope you enjoyed the Entertainment programs and the Food as well.
heading4 APPNA Membership Benefits Program

APPNA members, please  login to avail your membership benefits
Nonmembers, please  "Join or
Renew to access members-only benefits and discounts.  As a member of the Association of Physicians of Pakistani-descent of North America (APPNA), you are part of an organization dedicated to supporting health, education and humanitarian causes.  We are committed to fostering connections among all physicians of Pakistani-descent, while providing special benefits for members in thanks for their support.  The ALL NEW APPNA member benefits program includes nationwide discounts on hotels, airlines, car rentals, insurance and a VISA credit card."

heading5 APCNA Pacemaker Program

Healthcare for many people in Pakistan is a quite limited privilege.  There are never enough resources available for the general population, especially those who are in need of the healthcare the most. Government intuitions are stretched to their limits. Many charitable hospitals and clinics are doing a remarkable effort trying to meet the shortfall, which is still not enough to fulfill the rising demand of the Pakistani society.

There are hundreds of patients who need permanent pacemakers but cannot get them.

heading4 APPNA Eye Camps

After the Karachi heat wave, many donors requested that medical camps be sponsored in different parts of Karachi.  Appna Social Welfare and Disaster Relief Committee/Swdrc decided to have combined medical and eye camps. Appna has been sponsoring eye camps through LRBT, Layton Rahmatulla Benevolent Trust, and four camps this year have already been sponsored in various parts of Pakistan.
Dr Qamar Zaman, Appna member currently in Karachi, coordinated the medical camp along with the LRBT team. A group of doctors that included volunteers also and nursing staff saw these patients. 

heading5 Smoking Cessation Awareness Program
APPNA CHEST (Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America Chest section) held activities to create awareness of ill effects of tobacco and encourage teenagers to not to start smoking and smokers to quit smoking through-out Pakistan on February 26,2015. These activities will continue in schools and other public places through-out the year.
Seminars, educational programs and rallies were held through out Pakistan at 134 institutions.
APPNA CHEST has shared po...sters describing ill effects of smoking as well as effects of second hand smoke with students and the public. 

Upcoming Events


National Anthem of Pakistan at APPNA 38th Annual Convention 2015, Orlando, Florida
National Anthem of Pakistan at APPNA 38th Annual Convention 2015, Orlando, Florida
National Anthem of USA at APPNA 38th Annual Convention 2015, Orlando, Florida
National Anthem of USA at APPNA 38th Annual Convention 2015, Orlando, Florida

If you want to highlight an APPNA Project you have been doing, please write to us at