All of APRALO and the At-Large Community are invited to contribute to ICANN Public Comment proceedings. For more information, please visit the At-Large Policy Advice Development Page or contact At-Large Staff.

Have your say! To contribute to ALAC policy activity, please comment on the At-Large workspace or volunteer as penholder, and join the weekly At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG) meetings. 

The APRALO Community can also participate in selected policy-related discussions being taken up from a regional perspective through the APRALO Policy Forum. For more information, please visit the APRALO Policy Forum workspace or contact At-Large Staff. 

The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) submitted (1) policy statement since the last APRALO Newsletter:

The ALAC is currently developing the following responses to ICANN Public Comment proceedings, and other cross community and/or external consultations:

In addition, the ALAC plans to submit in January ALAC responses to ICANN Board clarifying questions, regarding ALAC Advice on EPDP Phase 2 (SSAD) and Subsequent Procedures.