2024 APRIL Focus Newsletter
Celebrating 74 Years!
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Sarasota Center of Light
Sunday Service
Healing: 10:30-10:55am
In Person: 11:00am
ZOOM: 11:00am
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Our Vision and Mission Statements
Vision: A world awakened to the Love and Light of Spirit.
Mission: We support individuals on their spiritual path in a loving community through metaphysical principles, mediumship, healing, education and music.
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A Message from the President
The Healing Certification classes begin on April 4th from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Learning Center. This program is one of the core values of Metaphysical Spirituality and has been ongoing here at the Center since 1949.
Healing encompasses many aspects of living in the physical, mental, spiritual, and earthbound existence. This ability to channel healing is grounded by intention, faith, trust, and love that exists in every soul. As the students learn the foundation of the procedure and protocol, we follow at Sarasota Center of Light, they do so knowing they will be the conduit through Spirit to all who come for healing.
As the new classes begin, let’s thank those who have agreed to accept this knowledge in order to be of service to others. It will fill your heart with wonder, love, and gratitude.
Blessings to all,
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Upcoming Events 2024
Thursday, April 4, Healing Certification Classes begin. Learning Center from 7:00-8:00 p.m. $10.
Saturday, April 6, Psychic Saturday is held on the first Saturday of every month from 11:30-2:00 p.m. The cost of a reading is $20 for 15 minutes and is held in Davis Hall. Healing is available in Flexer Healing Chapel for a $5 love donation.
Sunday, April 7, The Blessing Bowl recipient this month is Habitat for Humanity.
Sunday, April 7, Coffee Hour in Davis Hall after service.
Sunday, April 14, Mending Hearts Bereavement Support Group with Rev. Marie H. Rowe in the Sanctuary from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16, Build Resilience with Energy Medicine Routines with Sabra Maurice in the Learning Center. 7:00-8:00 p.m. $20. Please sign up on our website or pay at the door.
Sunday, April 21, "Let's Talk Metaphysics" with Rev. Marie H. Rowe. Davis Hall from 10:00-10:55 a.m.
Sunday, April 21, Hands of Light Meeting after Sunday service in the Learning Center.
Wednesday, April 24, Learn Astrology through Your Own Astrological Chart with Jean Wright-Yamamoto (Astrologer Extraordinaire). Four week On-line ZOOM Classes, April 24, May 1, 8, & 15. 8:00-9:30 p.m. Please sign up on our website ($69 early bird special before April 11), after April 11 - $89.
Friday, July 26th, we will be welcoming International Mediums Philip Dykes and Kerry McLeod, who will be offering “Messages from Spirit” in the Sanctuary from 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 30th, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., Workshop Inspirational Writing and Speaking. Private individual readings will also be offered. Information will be available shortly.
September 18th – 28th Eric Cargill and Gerald O’Hare will be offering readings and trance sessions. More information to follow.
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Help our History Team!
The Publishing/History teams are looking to update our History table and would like any photos of the Center, events or memorabilia from 1995 to 2023 you could share. Please send to the office for the History Team. Many thanks.
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Ministerial Office Hours
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there is a Minister in the Office from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Please call if you have a question or concern or need to make an appointment.
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Blessing Bowl
Each month on the 1st Sunday, a special collection is made to benefit a local charitable organization.
April Blessing Bowl is for Habitat for Humanity.
Thank You
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January | Girls Inc. | $146 | February | The Haven | $107 | March | Satchel's Rescue | $174 | April | Habitat for Humanity |
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Vice President:
Three Year Trustee:
Two Year Trustee:
One Year Trustee:
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Board of Directors
LaVerne Duff
Catherine Kalua
Caroline Demoise
Jeffrey Lambert
Cindy Gourley
Jean Wallace
Sherry Brune
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Spring is the season of new life and regrowth. It is the season during which nature revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months.
For your Hands of Light team, it is a time for us to recuperate from a remarkably busy fall and winter and revitalize our team. Therefore, we are going back to having much simpler coffee hour refreshments so special events will be more memorable.
This November SCOL celebrates our 75th Founder’s Day Anniversary so we will be concentrating our efforts to make our Founder’s Day celebration fundraiser the most memorable one ever. To accomplish that, we must focus our attention on that event.
As we do that, we ask our friends and congregants for their assistance. Please share your ideas and talents with us. Do you dabble in interior design or flower arranging? Do you create beautiful and tasty appetizers and desserts? Are you an event planner who is willing to share your knowledge with us?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions we would appreciate your input and expertise. Please consider sitting in on an HOL meeting or two or better yet – join our team and help us pull off a spectacular event in November. Our next Hands of Light meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 21, immediately following the Sunday service in the Learning Center.
Sherry Brune, HOL Coordinator,
Sherbear72811@gmail.com, 478-461-7581
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Spring Has Sprung!
This time of year, the days are longer and filled with light. We set our clocks to “spring” forward as we also move forward. The Spring Equinox supports renewal of mind, body and spirit. We feel lighter as we release what no longer serves to make room for new beginnings. Everything feels lighter and our energy is higher with the longer days of sunlight.
Nature is waking up with new growth and beginnings and so is your spirit. Now is the time to plant the seeds of what you would like to grow and manifest.
The spring equinox brings perfect balance of night and day as the light and dark are equal. Spring brings clarity and illumination. This is the perfect time to bring balance into your life.
SCOL continues to grow and flourish and each one of you has contributed with your love and energy. It is the small acts of many who have made it possible for SCOL to thrive.
As it is stated in Galatians 6:7; “You reap what you sow.” Future consequences are shaped by present actions so keep planting and watch how your beautiful garden grows in your spiritual life and home.
Happy planting!
Rev. Phyllis Lambert
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An Opportunity to Support our Center!
We have started a new donation opportunity which is being announced at our services and makes it easier for you to offer financial support using cell phone technology. The process is SO easy – using your cell phone, please text the word Sunday to 53-555 and follow the prompts to complete your secure donation of whatever amount you can afford. Your heartfelt offering using this GiveButter secure system can be either a one-time donation or a recurring donation.
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Infinite Insights
An old aphorism reminds us that “Love is like the tide… it must go out before it can come in.” Certainly, it is true that the more love you give, the more you receive. Love is a vibration – a power - that you must develop within your inner-being. Simply put, if you want to be loved, you must love.
Unfortunately, many people really don't know what it is to love or be loved. They become so interested in material and physical things, that they hold no interest in spiritual matters, which includes the feeling, concern, and understanding of love. Love brings a desire to share and give the invisible things.
When you love, you want your love to be returned. If you hug a small child, he or she will enthusiastically hug you back. Perhaps, the child doesn't understand love as you do, but the return is there. However, it is important not to love for selfish reasons. Many individuals like to be friends with others because they think they might need them someday. They show love
because they think it would be wise to stay on good terms with certain people. This is pretense rather than real love; it cannot be considered deep and sincere feeling.
Real love for another person causes you to suffer when that individual is suffering and to feel what that person is feeling. Real love is the development of a vibration within you that creates communication of soul-to-soul, spirit-to-spirit. There is a oneness, or an attunement between those who truly share love.
Love is like the tide - the more you send out the more love comes back to you. When you love, you activate the great Universal Law of Love, which determines that the love you send out will come back to you. The Law doesn't change; if you give - you will receive it, if you love, you will be loved in return, but not always from the same source to which you gave. It is wonderful when love returns from the source to which you directed it, but if for some reason it doesn't, keep the faith that it will return from somewhere else.
You will never lose anything that you give. If you give out unkindness, unhappiness, and confusion, the Law of Compensation will see that those vibrations are returned to you. As you sow, so you reap. It is far better and much easier to love and be a kind, considerate friend because then you can put your mind at rest; you will never want for love and friendship. The fact that you created positive, loving feelings and sent them out gives you the opportunity to receive them in like manner somewhere, at some time.
Think about flooding the world with kindness, understanding, forgiveness, and joy. Make your home overflow with love. You will be surprised how many people will want to be your friend. They will always want to be around you because they will feel the upliftment and recognize the power of your love. God is love and love is God. Your efforts at creating love and good-will assuredly will receive the blessings of divine love and power.
~ You are loved. ~
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Publishing Committee
Thanks to all who have purchased our Center of Light's very special BOOK and CD, co-created with Spirit for your upliftment and expansion. Your support in this way is truly helpful and appreciated during these challenging times. Likewise, the deeply loving and inspirational messages in these spiritually-rich resources have too been helpful to so many. Get yours today at
BOOK $24.95: Pearls of Light - A Gift from Spirit; Handbook for Awakening the Soul
AUDIO CD $18.95: The Voices of Spirit - Teachings of the Angels; Famous People - Volume 1
These truly unique and extraordinary collaborative works, inspired and guided by Spirit, were manifested to help us come to understand, and to remember, the nature of our spiritual being and the metaphysics of human life - especially now in a world in great need of positive change.
Our true purpose often eludes the human soul in the development of greater awareness and expansion of consciousness. The spiral-bound, paperback book contains nearly 60 inspirationall curated lectures and dialogues from Master Teachers in Spirit, Content topics include Self Awareness, Conscious Understanding of Universal Truth, Awareness of Available Help, and Call to Action. It also contains value-added affirmations, workbook pages, and additional special content for your benefit.
The professionally produced audio CD of Rev. Dorothy's trance work, famous people in this first CD release, is highly recommended for you to experience the energy of these well-known, wise, and loving luminaries and their important messages of love.
Thank you and God bless!
Jen Blecher
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Pathway of Love: Commemorative Brick Program | |
Celebrate your love of our Center by ordering your personalized brick(s) to commemorate a family member, friend, pet, group, business, or special occasion for recognition and thanks as a tribute or in memory of a loved one. Your engraved brick(s) will become part of the new walkway from Davis Hall to the Healing Garden.
Brick purchases will support our financial well-being and growth in the continuation and expansion of services and educational opportunities to our community. Bricks are $50 each ($45 for Members) 3 lines – up to 20 characters per line. Simply print, complete, and send or deliver the Order Form available on the website with payment to the Church Office. Full instructions are located on the form. Honor those you love – show your support – please order your commemorative bricks today!
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Sarasota Center of Light | 941-953-6620 | 2710 Browning St, Sarasota, FL 34237 www.sarasotacenteroflight.com | | | | |