Dream Big Dreams is back, and we’re excited to bring you the following fun ways to support FACT Oregon:
Online Auction: The auction opens May 7th and will close May 11th at 7:30 PM in collaboration with our in-person Fund and Games Happy Hour. Everyone from all over the state (and beyond) can participate in the auction through live, online bidding.
Raffle: Our Golden Ticket Raffle is a Dream of Mexico 7-Night luxury resort stay! Only 100 tickets are available, so get yours before they’re gone! Open to Oregon residents 18+ only!
Fund and Games Happy Hour:
Thursday, May 11th, 5:30-8:30 PM
We’re thrilled to welcome you to Seven Corners Collaborative in Portland for an interactive, in-person celebration. Our theme is Fund and Games, and we can’t wait to show you our lighter side! The Online Auction and Raffle will close during the event, so local winners will be able to take home their goodies!