April 2021 | No. 796
APTR Releases Immunization Teaching Resources
These free simulation scenarios, case studies, and PowerPoint presentations were developed by the Immunization Resources for Undergraduate Nursing (IRUN) project through a cooperative agreement between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) and the Association of Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR). The teaching resources support the learning objectives in the Immunization Resources for Undergraduate Nursing (IRUN) Curriculum Framework: A Guide to Integrating Content in Prelicensure Nursing Practice (IRUN framework).

Download these free teaching resources. Additional resources will be released throughout 2021.
  • Simulation scenarios
  • Case studies 
  • PowerPoint Presentations
APTR Announces 2021 Paul Ambrose Scholars
APTR selected a cohort of 33 students from across the health professions as the 2021 class of Paul Ambrose Scholars. Selected students will attend the Student Leadership Symposium from June 22 - June 24, 2021. Students commit their time and effort to improve health within their communities through the planning and implementation of a community-based project.

The APTR Paul Ambrose Scholars Program helps students promote change and be leaders in addressing population health challenges at the national and community level. Students are designated "Paul Ambrose Scholars" upon successful completion of the Symposium and community project.

View the 2021 Scholars at www.AmbroseScholars.org
Teaching Prevention 2021 Sessions Available On-demand
Didn't have a chance to attend the meeting live? Get the full conference recordings on-demand!

Access Teaching Prevention 2021 conference session recordings at www.TeachingPrevention.org. APTR is also providing CPH CE credit. Meeting attendees have complimentary access to the sessions included with their registration until August, 2021.
Wake Forest School of Medicine
The new strategic partnership between Wake Forest School of Medicine and Atrium Health creates an unparalleled opportunity for leading and growing a team of scientists whose research interests focus on clinical, population, and health system sciences within a complex, multistate health system. As such, Wake Forest School of Medicine is seeking a national leader as our new Chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention.
University Of Virginia School of Medicine

Dr. Jeanita Richardson and Jackie Martin (Director of Community Outreach, Sentara & Candidate MPH, UVA ) from UVA School of Medicine collaborated with local pastors and volunteers to host Your Life Matters COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics that to-date have vaccinated over 1,200 persons of color.
University of South Florida College of Behavioral and Community Sciences

University of South Florida received a $2.5 million PCORI grant to undertake a multi-year study designed to improve health outcomes and reduce hospital readmission for people of color managing chronic illnesses. 

Researchers sought to understand the clinical and economic value of vaccinating people earlier with a lower efficacy COVID-19 vaccine versus waiting for a higher efficacy one. They used a model that represented the U.S. population, disease spread, vaccination timings, and efficacy in preventing infection or reducing severe disease. Results showed that in almost all circumstances, it would be more beneficial to vaccinate with the first available COVID-19 vaccine regardless of efficacy rather than waiting for a higher efficacy one.