Chapter Works
An electronic publication of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Public Works Association
April 2023 Newsletter
President's Corner
By Harold Caples, PE., Cost Estimating Tools & Technology Program Manager, Virginia Department of Transportation,
City of Richmond, VA
It’s a great time of year – beautiful weather, longer days and the APWA conference is right around the corner! I want to thank the conference committee; they have been hard at work putting together an exciting track of presentations and speakers as well as planning other aspects that will surely make this year’s conference a success. Sign up today if you haven’t already, you don’t want to miss this year’s gathering.

 Seeing as this is my last newsletter as President, I wanted to take a moment to recognize the Mid-Atlantic Board, committee chairs, our Chapter Administrator and all the other volunteers who make our Chapter run so smoothly behind the scenes. We wouldn’t be where we are without you. If you have any interest in participating, reach out to me or any other board member, we have numerous opportunities for involvement in almost any area.

Public Works has always been near and dear to my heart and I offer a heartfelt thank you for allowing me to represent both you and the Chapter over the past year.
Harold Caples, PE, President
APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter
63rd Conference and Equipment Show
Hampton Roads Convention Center
& Embassy Suites,
Hampton, VA
May 1 - 4, 2023

APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter #WRX2023

You don't have to attend the conference to join in on the fun!
 Everyone is welcome to register for these activities occurring during the
2023 WRX Conference
Monday May 1st: Shotgun start at noon
Young Professionals/Public Works Institute Alumni Social
Tuesday May 2, 6:30 - 9:30 PM
EVO, 4401 W Claiborne Square, Hampton, VA 23666
Tickets- $30
EVO has something for everyone!
Bowling, video game, appetizers, soft drinks and 2 drinks tickets are included in the price of your ticket. Join us for drinks and light hors d’oeuvres and enjoy an evening with PWI attendees and young professionals. 
 Everyone is welcome to attend this event with YPs and PWI Alum!
Please register by April 26 so we have an accurate count!
City of Alexandria Fleet Management Acquires Lateral Launch CUES Camera Vehicle
By City of Alexandria, TES Fleet Management Division
The City of Alexandria’s Fleet Management Division recently acquired a lateral launch CUES camera truck that will help City crews inspect sanitary sewer infrastructure and identify locations of defects faster, giving residents valuable information on their lateral connection pipes.

The City is replacing its closed-circuit television inspection vehicle, which was limited to mainline sanitary sewer inspections. The new vehicle has innovative technology which will allow crews to drop the robot camera into the main sanitary sewer line and deploy a second camera from the side to inspect lateral lines that connect homes and businesses to the City’s sanitary sewer infrastructure. 
“Some of the repairs we make are where the lateral and mainlines meet,” said Derek Claytor, superintendent of sewers and hydrant maintenance. “The lateral launch technology will help enhance our maintenance response to protect our residents’ properties.”  

The truck will be operated by staff from the Public Works Division in coordination with the Sanitary Infrastructure Division and maintained by staff in Fleet Management.

The older mainline truck did not have the technology to inspect lateral lines and City staff had to coordinate with on-call contractors for inspections, which often took several days. The new CUES Camera truck will fast-track inspections by removing the need to coordinate with the on-call contractor, crews will be able to instantly respond and drop the lateral launch camera for inspection. Depending on the location of the defect, the responsibility for repair will either fall to the property owner or the City.

The City proactively inspects sections of sanitary infrastructure throughout the year. Over the past 10 years, Claytor said he recalls two inspection initiatives that covered the entirety of the City’s 240 miles of sanitary and combined sewers. 
APWA Represented at 2023 WV Construction and Design Expo
By Jeff Wilkerson, PW Director, City of Martinsburg, WV
This year’s West Virginia Construction and Design Expo was held on March 22-23, 2023 in Charleston, WV. Jeff Wilkerson, Public Works Director for the City of Martinsburg, WV attended this year’s Expo as a presenter and exhibiter. On March 22nd, Jeff led a “Safety in the Workplace” presentation which discussed workplace safety for many different industries. The presentation also mentioned the APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter and resources our Chapter can provide for Workplace Safety. This year’s presentation was attended by 48 attendees.
The APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter was also a sponsor for this event again this year. The Chapter was a column sponsor for this event, which included placing our Chapter logo on the columns in the entrance and registration area.

The Chapter also set up an exhibit booth where we handed out Chapter information including brochures for the Mid-Atlantic Public Works Institute. Guests that stopped by were informed about the Institute, Chapter membership and other benefits of being an APWA member.
This is a well-attended event that draws nearly 4,000 attendees from all over the Mid-Atlantic Region. It is a great opportunity for the APWA Mid Atlantic Chapter to reach out to a large crowd from many different industries. Please contact Jeff Wilkerson if you are interested in assisting with this event in March of 2024 at
To Our 2023 Newsletter Sponsor!

Mid Atlantic

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Be Counted!!
Is your membership information up to date? Please update your
Chapter Welcomes
New Members!
2022 - 2023

Harold Caples, PE
Senior Cost Estimator
Virginia Department of Transportation
City of Richmond, VA

Denise Nelson, PE, CFM, ENV SP, LEED AP
Director of Resilience and Grants
Launch! Consulting Inc
Richmond, VA

Immediate Past-President
Scott A. Smith, PE, LS
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works Engineering
City of Hampton, VA

Gaynelle L. Hart
Director of Public Works 
Lynchburg, VA

Catherine Sydnor
Richmond, VA

David Bradshaw, PE
Clark Nexsen
Virginia Beach, VA

Chapter Delegate
James W. Long, III, PE, DBIA
Project Manager
Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, LLP
Virginia Beach, VA

Chapter Delegate (Alternate)
Jason Calbert
Administrator Street Maintenance 
Department of Public Works
Newport News, VA

Dawn V. Odom
Planning and Investment Manager 
Virginia Department of Transportation
Suffolk, VA

Jennifer Caples
Marketing Manager
Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP
Richmond, VA

Troy Eisenberger, PE
City Traffic Engineer 
City of Chesapeake, VA

Shwan Fatah, PE
Wastewater Collection Division
Fairfax County, Virginia

Mark D. Jamison, PE
Roanoke, VA

Ryn Kennedy
Stormwater Facility Specialist
Henrico County, VA

Renee LaFollette, PE
Director of Public Works & Capital Projects
Leesburg, VA

Amy Linderman, PE
Fairfax County Department of Public Works
Planning and Development Division
Fairfax County, Virginia

Kyle Logue, PE
Managing Director, Greeley and Hansen
Richmond, Virginia

Matt Stolte, PE, ENV SP
Campus Planning, Infrastructure and Facilities
Virginia Tech

Jeff Wilkerson
Director of Public Works
City of Martinsburg, WV