Alexandra and Dr. RA-Ja at Central Sun Healing Center, Southwest Ranches, Florida
Dr. Raja on Aquarian Radio with Hosts Alexandra & Janet Kira Lessin 
Guest Call In # 646-649-0893 

8 pm Universal Peace Meditation
8:05 pm Welcome Dr. Raja Merk Dove with Aquarian Perspectives Inter Planetary Mission
9 pm Fun Intermission with Our Mystery Guest !!!
9:10 Ted Mahr with Out of this World Radio Updates from Peru
A synopsis of all Aquarian Radio shows here:
DR. RAJA will Discuss his Inter-Planetary Mssion on the Earth: My mission has to do with the Pleiades. At Palenque, in southern Chiapas, I received my instructions intuitively from the extraterrestrials in 1980 and was told that, in the near future, the Star Ancestors are coming back and some of them will be in human form.
 Dr. Raja with Astronaut Edgar Mitchell
I learned that I was a part of a SACRED COSMIC ORDER: "A Knight of the Solar Cross." These Knights were born as humans with highly a developed pineal body, or gland, a "third eye", which gave us astounding telepathic abilities. They examine everyone by this "eye" instead of by normal vision, which would only allow for reason and logic instead of Truth." The Knights of the Solar Cross are wandering extraterrestrial beings whose task is to clean up backward worlds. With this amazing extraterrestrial experience at Palenque, I soon discovered that there are many people here on Earth who don't belong here. The Knights of the Solar Cross are the "chimney sweeps" of Creation and it is their specific job to go to the "trash cans" of the Universe and give aid to their fellow beings on the backward worlds. I began naming my work Aquarian Perspectives Interplanetary Mission and gave it the symbol of a spacecraft with wings and a halo. Something that all cultures can understand.  Through this extraterrestrial experience, I was told to go back to America to write books and articles and spread the word about the mission and the extraterrestrials. This is my life, the truth of my being.
I was guided to go from the Yucatan to a Rainbow Gathering at Mount Shasta, in California (1984). After the gathering, I took teachings and UFO films around to different societies to share the knowledge. I called on the Theosophical Society in Oakland, California and there I met its president, Moi-RA, (1984) who became my wife. Since then, we worked together for twenty-seven years to share the message of the extraterrestrials, that they are coming to help and bring peace to the planet. We traveled all over the world, working with the grid lines. We worked in very scientific and technical ways to advance the consciousness of the human species. We work with the human energy system to upgrade the DNA patterns, using extraterrestrial energies and codons. "Codon" is a technical word for genetic manipulation and genetic coding based on advanced sacred geometric principles. This is done through the use of pure copper, pure gold, and crystal. The whole world is transforming and the Aquarian Mission is aligning with sacred places. People are receiving the extraterrestrial language through the grid lines that connect the sacred places, the frequencies. Every living and nonliving thing in the existence of Earth was created by the extraterrestrial scientists who used sacred math for the work.
Dr. Raja performs Aquarian Readings for Light Workers
His latest book:
Is Available Here

2nd Guest, TED MAHR ~ BIO
Psychic, Radio and Television Talk Show Host, Out of this World Radio and Television
1150 AM, KKNW ~ Seattle/Bellevue, Washington USA
Ted is a psychic, and radio and television show host called "Out of this World Radio and Television". He broadcasts his radio show on Fridays from 2 pm to 4 pm on 1150 Am on KKNW Radio in the Seattle, USA area (see:
Out of this World radio is one of the most popular radio talk shows in the 
Seattle/Puget Sound area, and the fastest growing metaphysical and spiritual radio program in the world, with over 150,000 listeners in over 70 countries! His Out of this World Television airs on Comcast channel 22 three times a week in the Olympia/Puget Sound, Washington area, with an audience of about 200,000 people.
The purpose of this radio and television programs is to raise consciousness and make this world a much better and happier place. With everyone's help, I know we can create a much better planet!
Since 2014, Ted has been in contact with such great spirits as Professor Albert Einstein, Dr. Masaru Emoto, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Leonardo da Vinci, Michele de Nostradamus, Nikolai Tesla, Mahatma Gandhi, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He has just written a book entitled, "Messages from the Masters: Cosmic Wisdom from Professor Albert Einstein, Dr. Masaru Emoto, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Leonardo da Vinci, Michele de Nostradamus, Nikolai Tesla, Mahatma Gandhi, President Dwight D. Eisenhower", which is now available on Amazon and Create Space -