American Railway Development Association

Managing an Ever-increasing Number of Online Accounts

Organizing and Securing Online Accounts using Password Managers

Technology Section

By Fred Oelsner

American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA)
Vice Chair - ARDA Technology Committee

As more and more railroad work moves off internal networks and onto online platforms, finding ways for users to conveniently and securely access critical systems is a must. This transition is taking place at the same time as physical infrastructure networks, including the railroad industry, are increasingly seen as prized targets for attackers, including those backed by state-sponsored actors in unfriendly countries. Most online platforms, railroad specific or otherwise, encourage their users to utilize strong and unique passwords on their platform to help prevent unauthorized access to their system. But trying to memorize a unique 12-character password with random capitalization, numbers and symbols for as many platforms as most in the railroad industry need to access is a struggle for even the most expert computer user.

Registration Is Now Open For The 2020-21 Virtual Executive Forum!

For 2020-21, ARDA will be focusing our effort and events around the theme of "Building Your Network." The Executive Forum will be held virtually on February 2, 2021.

Registration for the 2020-21 Executive Forum is open. CLICK HERE to register now and be sure to renew your membership to take advantage of our members only registration pricing. We look forward to a great year ahead!

As always all information about this event can be found at

If you have any questions regarding the 2020-21 Virtual Executive Forum, please contact Ashley Lauren at
Sponsor ARDA in 2020-21
Sponsorship renewals are currently open. Thank you to those who have already renewed for the 2020-21 year!

2020-21 ARDA Sponsors

Norfolk Southern
Bartlett & West

Kansas City Southern

RMI Valuation

Daley Mohan Groble
Kelly Hart
VAA Engineering

If you have any questions or would like to sponsor ARDA in 
2020-21,  please contact Ashley Lauren at

Annual ARDA Sponsorships
Bronze Level
$1,000 - $2,999
Silver Level
$3,000 - $4,999
Gold Level
$5,000 -  $7,499
Platinum Level

The American Railway Development Association (ARDA) is a not-for-profit educational trade association founded in 1906 to promote Economic Development, Real Estate Development, Technology, and Environmental Activities of the North American Railroads. 
The objectives of the Association are to foster the industrial, real estate, natural resources, market development activities and environmental concerns of the North American railroads; and through the advancement of ideas and education of its members, further promote the effectiveness of railway development and related work.
Technology Feature
Executive Forum Registration
Sponsor ARDA!
New Members since September

Craig Niedermeier
Account Director

Matt Range
Real Estate Contract Services Specialist
The Kansas City Southern Railway Company

J. Paul Maurin IV 
Real Estate Field Services Manager
The Kansas City Southern Railway Company

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