Jeaninne Stokes Christian Author & Bible-Teacher




Oh Lord almighty, happy are those who trust  you.


 Psalms 84:12 NLT

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                         Are you happy?



I love the popular song by Pharrall Williams: Happy, for the song gives us a wonderful illustration of how to show others when we are happy.


But Pharrall isn't the only one who describes how we are to show happiness. The holy bible says we can also demonstrate happiness in the following ways:


1) Happy are those who fear the lord (Psalms 112:1).

2) Happy are those who sing God's praises (84:4).

3) Happy are those who are strong in the lord (84:5).

4) Happy are those who trust in the Lord (84:12).


Are you happy that the Lord is guiding your life today? Then it's time to show it!


Sharing the word,





Prayer: Lord, thank you for being our true source of happiness. Amen.




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Sharing the Word is written by Jeaninne Stokes, founder of JStokes Writing Ministries. For more information about our ministry and to read more of our devotionals, visit us at: www.jstokeswritingministries.com

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