Volume 66 | Thursday, March 30, 2023

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ARINCDirect's 20th Anniversary

Welcome back to Jump Seat. Today we’d like to celebrate ARINCDirect’s 20th anniversary by giving a little background on how we got started. 

The ARINCDirect service launched officially on April 1st, 2003. Yes, that was April Fool’s Day, but we were definitely not fooling around. We had been working on it for over two years, and in fact a small group writing a business plan emerged from a meeting room at 11am on September 11th, 2001 to find that aviation and the world had changed while we were meeting. We kept working on our idea, and began full-scale development at the beginning of 2002. 


Our idea was that the business aviation community deserved to have some competition among service providers. There was at the time just one company that provided datalink for the majority of business aircraft, and we aimed to be the second one, and to be better. We’d like to think that we’ve succeeded, but if you think differently, please give us feedback for improvement. 


Our service in 2003 was a faint outline of the wide variety of services that ARINCDirect offers today. What we had from day one, though, was datalink, flight planning, filing, weather briefings, and a 24x7 flight operations center. Those aspects continue today. 


Speaking of a desire to “be better,” we undertook a process called a “service readiness review” and part of that was writing a quality plan. Our consultant used a methodology called “quality function deployment” for that, and it boiled down to “answer the phones and keep the systems up.” Immediately after launch, we added our own third item: “respond quickly to feedback.” 


From the beginning, our phone statistics were the envy of other call centers, with low or no hold times even as volume increased dramatically. And while we had occasional system and software problems when the service was young, we had a motivated engineering team to make things better. Finally, from the start, we wanted customer feedback to get a response from a human within one business day. We instituted a meeting every weekday morning to go over, as a group, ALL the feedback received since the last meeting. Those meetings continue to this day. 


That third item, your feedback, has made the biggest difference in the shape of our service. You, our customers, have been the best source of ideas for improvement, and we are very grateful to you for taking time to help make our service better. 

Did you know?

  • When ARINCDirect first launched, even software developers would answer the phone when things got busy. We had a buzzer in our break room that would annunciate (loudly) if there was an unanswered call in the queue. There was a small sign: “Do not cover or disable the annunciator. If the noise bothers you ANSWER THE PHONE!” 
  • The original development lab was a small closed-off room, which we called the “Box.” The rest of our team we called the ADOOB, meaning ARINCDirect Out Of the Box. ADOOB survives today as the name of the daily feedback meeting. 
  • The ARINCDirect website has undergone many changes. For fun, here’s a picture of the top of the website shortly after launch in 2003. We called this the “misty mountains” look and it survived for several years: 

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Learn more about our various ARINCDirect teams in the following articles:

Thank you for reading!

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