Volume 89 | Thursday, March 14, 2024

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Flight to End Polio Update

Welcome back to Jump Seat. In part two, the conclusion of this series, we would like to update you on this incredible journey. Here at Collins Aerospace, our team was proud to be a part of this! We’ll also let you know how you can help end a debilitating and life-threatening disease.   

The Mission 

On May 5, 2023 pilots John Ockenfels and Peter Teahen embarked on an unforgettable journey that would require them to travel over 30,000 miles while taking them to 19 countries over the course of the 3-month trip. Their goals were simple: one, to raise awareness and funds to eradicate polio, and two, to return home safely to their families. 

(credit: flighttoendpolio.com) 

Headwinds and Staying the Course  

The Flight to End Polio faced challenges throughout the journey that would have frustrated even the most seasoned world traveler. The trip got off to a bumpy start with an unplanned extended stay in the northeast United States due to a maintenance issue. Subsequent issues with their sat phone, HF radio, and wintry weather further delayed their trip and by the time they reached European soil they were already ten days behind schedule.    

Peter and John stayed the course and rearranged their schedule while still making time to meet their commitments at planned events throughout Europe, raising funds, and spreading their message of hope. A hospital stay further complicated the South Asian legs of their journey. Despite ongoing maintenance issues, such as a lack of autopilot, and a later misunderstanding with customs officials in Australia, the duo still could not be slowed down. Fortunately, they had help from halfway around the world.  

ARINCDirect Support  

Support for the Flight to End Polio was donated by various service providers and organizations. 100% of money raised for the Flight to End Polio was matched two to one by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and all expenses related to the journey were paid out of pocket by Peter and John.   

ARINCDirect provided the expertise of the Flight Coordination and Flight Following teams to the Flight to End Polio, serving as a third crew member from their base in Annapolis, Maryland. Prior to the trip Peter and John worked closely with the team to coordinate a plan and delegate responsibilities. Throughout the duration of the journey the ARINCDirect teams computed and filed flight plans, provided meteorological consultation, and flight-followed the aircraft on each leg. 

On a personal level, the trip resonated with team members throughout the ARINCDirect and Collins Aerospace organization, piquing personal interests. Staff meteorologists relished the challenge of supporting a flight that would rely heavily on their forecasting skills and expertise for weather avoidance. Aviation enthusiasts in the ARINCDirect team closely followed the journey, admiring Peter and John’s mission which played to their passion for aviation. And finally, the challenges and logistics associated with this unique international flying endeavor appealed to and inspired many other team members. 

The Final Legs  

Early on the morning of July 22, 2023 the Flight to End Polio embarked on the final stages of their journey and departed NSTU / Pago Pago for PHNL / Honolulu. Peter and John did not intend for this to be the longest leg of their journey as the flight was originally scheduled to route via PLCH / Kiribati. However, several logistical hurdles with shipping fuel to the remote island proved too difficult to overcome.   

The ARINCDirect team had reached out to the controllers in Oakland Oceanic (KZAK) several days before the flight in order to inform them of the flight that would be entering their airspace. During the flight the crew had difficulty with their sat phone communications while trying to relay their position reports to the ARINCDirect Flight Following team. The only aircraft that John and Peter encountered on the remote flight was a C-130 flying at 12,000 ft. in the opposite direction. 

The trip nearly took an ominous turn when, approximately five to six hours from Hawaii, John and Peter thought they might have to set their aircraft down in the treacherous waters of the Pacific Ocean due to a lack of fuel. While making emergency preparations the crew realized a faulty fuel gauge led to incorrect calculations and they did in fact have enough fuel to reach their intended destination. 

17 hours in the air after departing Pago Pago, the Flight to End Polio touched down safely in Honolulu, Hawaii. After a repositioning flight within the Hawaiian islands the duo continued their trek with another lengthy flight from PHOG / Maui to KOAK / Oakland before eventually returning to KCID/Cedar Rapids on July 30th.  

From Hoping to Believing  

So what’s next for the newly christened around-the-world aviators? More fundraising and bringing additional awareness to the fight against polio until the disease is 100% eradicated. Though their aircraft has been in maintenance since completing their circumnavigation, Peter and John have stayed busy by appearing at numerous events to share the story of their journey with captivated audiences.   

During a recent conversation, Peter and John shared a story about their visit to Pakistan, one of two countries which has seen recent cases of Polio. The visit began with a tense meeting of armed soldiers unsure of what to make of the small Cessna T210M with a foreign registry. Initial feelings of uneasiness quickly transitioned to hope during a press conference with the local press. During a Q&A session the pilots were asked a question that, at face value, should have had an easy answer. The reporter asked if Peter and John hoped that there would be an end to polio in the world. Peter’s initial response shocked the assembled group. “No, I no longer have hope that we're going to end polio.” He clarified, “I don’t hope – I BELIEVE that we’re going to end polio.” The quote struck a chord with the audience and with Peter and John as well, so much so that “BELIEVE” has been ingrained in their message ever since. 

Did you know?

  • To date, over $2 million has been raised by Peter and John to end polio. Visit their website if you would like to donate.
  • You just read about the longest flight of the trip. The shortest flight on the Flight to End Polio was from LIRA / Rome – Ciampino to LIRU / Rome – Urbe.  

Useful Links

  • We first covered this effort as the Flight to End Polio was about to begin its journey. Read more about that here.  
  • Click here to learn more about the pilots and their trusty Cessna T210M. 
  • Images captured during the remarkable journey can be found at the Flight to End Polio’s shared photo site
  • Listen to the Rotary Voices Podcast with Peter and John for more about the Flight to End Polio.

Thank you for reading!

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