Volume 51 | Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

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FlightAware TV and Foresight™ Uplink

Welcome back to Jump Seat. In today’s article, we are sharing more about new Flight Tracking feature releases: FlightAware TV, available to you in the ARINCDirect Flight Tracking portal beginning today, and a recently released feature, Foresight Uplink, combining FlightAware Foresight and ARINCDirect data link capabilities. Read on for more information about these two new features available with your ARINCDirect flight planning or data link subscription. 

NEW! FlightAware TV


Today, you can access a new feature from FlightAware via your Flight Tracking portal Page. FlightAware TV allows you to create a custom URL to share to an HDTV for monitoring your fleet. This feature is a helpful tool to post in your operations center or share with those who need a quick status check of the fleet. For your convenience, FlightAware TV can be opened anywhere you have a web-enabled television. Check out the updated Product Guide for more about FlightAwareTV. 

FlightAware TV Fleet Map.png

What is Foresight™ Uplink? 


In early April 2022, we released a handful of features to your Flight Tracking portal along with a new collaboration feature between ARINCDirect data link capability and Foresight from FlightAware. ARINCDirect data link customers can now engage a new feature, Foresight Uplink, while en route to receive the Foresight predicted ETA. This feature is designed to provide the crew en route with better insights into the impacts on an arrival time that the FMS-generated ETA may not take into consideration.  


What is FlightAware Foresight™? 


FlightAware Foresight is a predictive technology that improves operator efficiency by decreasing preventable delays and increasing on-time performance. Foresight predictions are based on a statistical analysis of flight tracks both in the air and on the ground to estimate the impact on your flight. It identifies key factors of impact in real-time and as such, can be engaged multiple times over a single flight, improving as it continues to add intel to support its machine learning. 


Utilizing Foresight™ Uplink 


From the flight management system, or FMS, en route pilots simply send a request with the code ‘ETAFA.’ This is a similar process to how you may request ‘D-ATIS,’ in that no additional address or message content is necessary. Simply type in ETAFA in either the To: or Address: or Subject: fields (keep in mind that the field name is CMU-dependent) of your FMS compose message feature. ARINCDirect data link will recognize the requested code and engage FlightAware to send along the ETA prediction back up to the aircraft only.  


Pilots can continue to request the ETAFA multiple times throughout a flight to update the ETA information. As this is a feature-driven by machine learning over the time of the flight, the estimation will continue to improve. Try it out on your next flight and let us know what you think.

Did you know?

  • FlightAware operates the world's largest flight tracking and data platform, fusing thousands of global data sources to provide the most accurate and comprehensive flight tracking intelligence. 
  • Through the collection, interpretation, and enrichment of hundreds of sources of data, including data from FlightAware's own proprietary terrestrial ADS-B network with tens of thousands of receivers spanning seven continents in 200 countries and territories, FlightAware transforms millions of raw flight data elements and delivers them as coherent, easy-to-consume flight stories. 

Useful Links

  • For more information about our recent FlightAware enhancements, read our past communication here.

Thank you for reading!

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