Over the past 10 months, ARINCDirect has collaborated closely with the FAA to expand the capabilities of the FAA’s groundbreaking Privacy ICAO Address (PIA) program. We are excited to announce a transformative advancement: Domestic En Route CPDLC-certified aircraft can now seamlessly integrate PIA while operating in U.S. domestic airspace — a first in the industry.
This enhancement allows operators filing with 1FANSE2PDC or 1FANSER2PDC in their DAT/ field to select the PIA option for domestic flights through ARINCDirect. By doing so, our system will enable logon to KUSA using a PIA callsign, offering a user-friendly experience focusing on privacy for operators.
Note: Operators can check if their aircraft meets requirements to operate using En Route CPDLC within the US in the L3Harris Operator Checklist
What is the Privacy ICAO Address (PIA)?
- PIA enables U.S.-registered aircraft to maintain privacy during ADS-B Out broadcasts on U.S. domestic flights.
- When enabled, PIA automatically assigns an FAA-approved third-party callsign.
- ARINCDirect adds an extra layer of privacy to each flight plan by assigning a random flight number to each FAA Approved third-party callsign.
Requirements for Participation
- The aircraft must have a US registration (Nxxxx)
- The proposed flight must take place within US controlled airspace and cannot cross international FIRs.
- Recently expanded from 12NM coastal restriction
- The flight plan must be filed with the approved ARINCDirect callsign with the assigned PIA as the aircraft address in Field 18.
- The aircraft’s 1090 MHz ADS-B must be configured to broadcast the assigned PIA.
- Complete a Public ADS-B Performance Report Request prior to, and after changing the ICAO Aircraft Address: https://adsbperformance.faa.gov/paprrequest.aspx
- Once approved, the FAA issues the PIA to your third-party callsign provider.
- For ARINCDirect customers:
- Three-letter identifier: "XAA"
- Corresponding telephony callsign: "Rockfish"
- When filing a flight plan with PIA, ICAO Field 7 will include the "XAA" identifier and a randomly assigned flight number. Operators can opt out of PIA at the time of filing.