November 19, 2021
The U.S. Department of the Treasury this month updated guidance on the reporting requirements for the American Rescue Plan Act’s Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The updated guidance amends the Recovery Fund’s Project and Expenditure Report to include a new field titled “Adopted Budget” (required for counties with populations that exceed 250,000). In addition, the new guidance clarifies that specific programmatic data and project demographic information will be phased in over several reporting cycles.
Conduit Street Podcast
Counties in Action
Montgomery County Holds Thanksgiving Parade This Weekend
Worcester County Celebrates Fiber Optic Backbone Installment
St. Mary's Hosts Veterans Day Parade and Wreath Laying Ceremony
Corporate Partner
Making great products, providing countless choices and local neighbors. The Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Beverage Association is the regional trade association for local soft drink bottlers and distributors. These companies not only manufacture, bottle and distribute soft drinks in Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia, but are a vital party of Maryland’s economy. We employ thousands of residents. In Maryland alone, 3,826 jobs are tied to the beverage industry. Our local companies have a long history of working to strengthen the communities where our employees and consumers work and live. From working to reduce sugar from beverages in the American diet, driving sustainable solutions to preserve the environment and protecting consumer choice. @BeverageAssoc
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