The Unified Voice of Oklahoma Cities and Towns
ARPA Sign Up Virtual Meeting-
This WEDNESDAY at 10:00 a.m.
OML and the State of Oklahoma will host an instructional virtual meeting on how to sign up for ARPA NEU funds On WEDNESDAY, February 16th, at 10:00 am.  Every Oklahoma municipality must accept or decline the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (LFRF) allotment for NEU's by Friday, February 18, 2022.  

Each municipality in Oklahoma has been allotted ARPA NEU funds based on population. If a municipality does not complete the portal to accept their funds by FRIDAY, February 18, 2022, their funds will be automatically declined.  This link contains a list of the municipalities that have not completed the portal to accept or decline their ARPA NEU funds.  Any help you could provide by informing the municipalities in your area on this attached list about the ARPA NEU portal closing and the online sign-up meeting on Wednesday at 10:00 am would be greatly appreciated​Click on the following link at 10 AM on Wednesday, February 16, 2022,  to join the meeting: The details of the virtual meeting are at the bottom of this email. 

In order for a municipality to submit an application during the virtual meeting, The authorized representative will need to have available some basic information so they can complete the application. The information that is needed is listed on the worksheet documentYou do not need to register for the meeting. This meeting will be interactive, and we will be able to assist you with any ARPA questions about how to use the funds or login issues at this meeting.  

You should have been sent another email with your user ID and allocation letter. If no one in your municipality received these emails, please check your spam folder. These emails come from [email protected]. If you cannot find your login email, we can send an authorized representative during the webinar on Wednesday or by emailing [email protected]. Please have only one person from your municipality sign up on the ARPA online application.

If a municipality wants to sign up and they are not able to attend the virtual meeting, Please share the information at the bottom of this email. If a municipality is unsure about accepting the funds, please send the municipality the information at the bottom of this email so they can make an informed decision about accepting or declining the funds for their municipality.  

Some of the municipalities on the attached list may have already completed the portal for the funds by the time this email was sent. A municipality may receive less than what is stated on the attached document depending on their 2019- 2020 Pre-COVID budget or 2019 top-line expenditure total in exceptional cases in which the NEU does not adopt a formal budget
The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML), Crawford and Associates, the Oklahoma Municipal Assurance Group (OMAG), and Guidehouse are assisting the State of Oklahoma and municipalities throughout this process.   

(NOTE:  There is not currently a deadline for requesting funds from the State of Oklahoma's share of ARPA funds on the State ARPA portal. This State portal is a completely separate pot of money from the ARPA NEU funds. A walkthrough of how to submit a project request for these funds can be accessed here. The link to the state ARPA portal can be accessed here.  If you have questions about the ​State portal, please email [email protected])

ARPA NEU Portal Walkthrough
Wed, Feb 16, 2022 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (CST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 299-415-413

Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:

Disclaimer: OML is here to help, however, OML does not provide legal advice or act as a legal advisor.  Each municipality is responsible for submitting and verifying the correct information and using ARPA funds correctly.