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Have you heard the exciting news? Across ARRO, CKS and Castle Valley we totaled nearly $9 million in grants for 2023that is, we assisted our clients with getting access to $9 million in financing for key projects. If securing critical funding for impactful programs and initiatives isn't how you end the year with a bang, we don't know what is! As we turn the page to 2024, this influx of grant funding will help empower our organization to increase our reach and deepen our positive impact on the communities we serve.

Happy 2024 all! We hope your year is off to a strong, healthy and happy start, and that you'll join us in celebrating our recent grants success as we prepare to do even more momentous work this year. There is so much potential ahead in 2024, and we're excited to have you along for the ride.


Winning news on the ARRO Water Services front! In early January, Centre Township Municipal Authority voted to continue to retain AWS's wastewater operation services. This is one of AWS's largest contracts/clients.

The Authority recently shared positive some feedback saying, "The staff at ARRO are extremely pleasant and professional to deal with and provide thorough communication and consistently go above and beyond."

A special shout-out to Woody Kemmerer who is the operator for Centre Township Municipal Authority. He has been doing an exceptional job at ensuring all of their needs are met!

Congratulations to Nate Merkel who was recently appointed as a board member to the Dickinson Township Municipal Authority! Nate demonstrates dedication through his service to communities across our client network. We applaud his commitment to bringing that same passion to a leadership role in his hometown. Best wishes in your new position Nate!

Sending kudos to one of our in-house grant superstars, Craig Kologie, for his part in helping South Conventry Township secure $140,000 in ARPA PA Small Water and Sewer grants. The Township was awarded the following:

$68,324 for the Ridglea Water System Storage Tank Repair and Rehabilitation Project


$72,580 for the Ridglea Wastewater System – Influent Screen Replacement Project


Great work, Craig, for taking the charge on the grant application process for these two projects which will ultimately provided much-needed upgrades for the Township's water and wastewater facilities!

MERRY MOMENTS → See how your coworkers spent their holidays!

Enjoying the sites abroad! Above are a couple snaps from Al Vennettilli's most recent European adventure. (Can you take us with next time, Al?!) Al visited his son in Amsterdam for the holidays. His family also spent a couple days in Germany, touring the traditional Christmas Villages there!

Kevin Larkin's family tradition is to visit Longwood Gardens on Christmas Eve. Here he is with his wife, daughter and in-laws taking in the beautiful lights and sites of Longwood at Christmastime!

Dog mamas can't resist a good photo op! Lea Lauria and her sister take annual pup photos in front of the Christmas tree. Looking so adorable...Bow is on the left and Lea's pup, Rita, is on the right!

Look at that stunning blue sky! Matt Warfel spent the last couple weeks of December traveling in Bolivia with his family. And looks like they couldn't resist this iconic photo opportunity at the Uyuni Salt Flats!

For all those who enjoyed seeing Gary Weaver dressed up as Santa in last month's newsletter, we thought we owed a little bit of backstory! Enjoy Part 2 belowas told by Tom Kelso!

“It was late on a Friday afternoon in early December. Gary and I were the only ones left in the Castle Valley office on the third floor of the old Baptist Church in Doylestown. This was in 1999 in the early days of our firm. I took a call from a Buckingham Township Supervisor, which was unusual for late in the day on a Friday. He asked if we could do a big favor for him and, at that moment, I was left in a sort of animated suspension wondering what was coming next. He went on to explain how the usual Santa (the Township’s Building Inspector) was sick and they wondered if Gary could rush over to the Fire Company AND “don his gay apparel and take over.” I, of course, assured him Gary would be a great Santa and would definitely be there.  


Telling Gary was a different story. Gary and I have worked together for over thirty years and that was the only time I have seen him panic and respond that he didn’t think he could take on an assignment.


The following discussion and convincing included: "Taking one for the team"; "Buckingham is one of our best clients"; "It will be easy"; "All you have to do is come up with a good 'Ho Ho Ho'”; and “Don’t agree to deliver on the bb gun and pony requests from the children." With that and some practicing of his “Ho Ho Ho”, Gary became Santa. He survived that year and the next 23 years as the Buckingham Santa giving great tech advice to children if they opened that door by asking for any electronic gear.”


...Introducing a new contest to be featured in our 2024 newsletters!

Each month, we'll share a photo of one mystery employee's desk or workspace and let you play detective. Study the details and take your best guess by selecting the employee in our poll below the picture. Out of everyone who picks correctly, we'll randomly select one winner to receive a $25 gift card!

We'll reveal the correct answer and gift card winner in next month's edition.

Want your desktop featured? Email me your photo any time!

Let the guessing begin! This month's desk belongs to...
Katie Grogan
Nathan Dissmore
Derek Plank
Sabrina Savidge



January 18

ARRO Risk Management Seminar

(All Staff Encouraged to Attend)

February 14-15

Business Development Sales Training

(By Invite)


ARRO Water Services

Operator for Duncannon (Full-Time)

**Remember: ARRO offers a $1K referral bonus!


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If you have an item you would like to share in an upcoming newsletter please email me at!