Arts Division Newsletter

Two-time Academy Award-winning production designer and UCSC Arts Distinguished Alumnus, Rick Carter (Porter, ‘74) held a three-day workshop with our senior Art majors. The class is pictured here with Dean Celine and Jimin Lee, Art Dept. Chair, head of the print media program and the director of the Contemporary Print Media Research Center.

Message from the Dean of Arts

Celine Parreñas Shimizu, M.F.A., Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Film and Digital Media

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April 25, 2023

Welcome to Spring’s brilliant sunny weather and vibrant flowers after several weeks of severe storms and gray skies. The campus brims with activity and joyfulness as students create, collaborate and transform. Many students are in their final quarter and looking forward to the future’s abundant possibilities. Banana Slugs everywhere make an impact, and our newest alumni join trailblazing paths!


Earlier this month, two-time Academy Award winning production designer and UCSC Arts Distinguished Alumnus 2022, Rick Carter (Porter, ‘74), held a three-day workshop with our senior Art majors in intergenerational and interdisciplinary artmaking around the three questions in Gauguin’s “Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?” resulting in a stunning group exhibition. The students are also working together to create an exquisite mural. It is these kinds of special collaborations that inspire our students and alumni in ways that are life-changing now and in the future.


On April 17, I was thrilled to introduce world-renowned pianist Eric Huebner as part of our April in Santa Cruz Festival of New Music! He graciously collaborated with our Music Department for the past several months, workshopping new ideas with our UCSC student composers, and making an indelible impact on their lives. This is what the UCSC Arts is all about—uplifting our students and giving them opportunities to achieve!


As an undergraduate at Cal, I organized many impactful events such as "heterosexism in color, racism in pink” which featured the legendary Marlon Riggs, and founded several significant organizations such as the Women of Color Film Festival and Women of Color Magazine. A major part of how I was able to establish culture on campus was by learning how to write grants, utilizing resources on campus and mobilizing my community to boldness and audacity. Creating a student-centered agenda, building from what I learned from my faculty and staff advisors, helped me and my peers transform the institution and claim our education. I encourage you to do the same.

There are grant opportunities coming up with this vision of claiming your education, dis-seminating your research and creating opportunity. The Internships Scholarships and the Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence and Equity are due May 10th. Go for it! 

Do not despair if you receive rejections for various grants as you pursue them throughout your professionalization. Keep going, take stock of what you are learning and rise to apply again. What most students may not know is you have to apply to tens of internships and grants before one takes hold. This is a process that continues through life. It may take 10 times before you receive the most prestigious grant in your field. Those who relentlessly move forward, progress. Don’t surrender, don’t give up! Set yourself up to succeed with writing groups, advisors, and utilizing our resources on campus to help you. 


Arts Professional Pathways on April 19-21 was organized by Yasheng She, Film and Digital Media PhD candidate, with support from Psi Padhya, the Dean’s Events Assistant, along with the Development and Student Success arms of the division. Students learned to write thank you letters and resumes that make them stand out and met industry representatives. Be sure to find out more about upcoming career events that aim to demystify careers in the creative industries. This is the crown jewel event of the division, and hundreds of students registered and attended! 


So many opportunities are coming up: a workshop with Kevin Nolting, an event focused on graphic novels and social change, and an Arts Division gathering with our alumni and friends in Atherton as we make friends and raise funds for the division. 


Join me in celebrating the Arts at UC Santa Cruz!

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Photo: Carolyn Lagattuta

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People in the Arts

Featured Undergraduate Student

Bene’t Benton

Theater & Black Studies

Now in their senior year at UC Santa Cruz, Bene’t Benton is looking forward to pursuing a career in theater with the goal of getting leadership experience and also writing and developing a solo theatrical piece that they can use towards ultimately being admitted to graduate school.

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Featured Graduate Student

Kevin Corcoran, MFA Candidate

Environmental Art & Social Practice

At Zonamaco art fair in Mexico City, Kevin Corcoran of the EASP MFA program performed in a collaborative work titled PINKBOX, organized by performer, writer, and sculptor Alex H. Nichols. Kevin contributed live sound along with frequent collaborator Jorge Bachmann. PINKBOX combines movement, sculpture, sound and painting. The four performances for Zonamaco in February included dancer and choreographer Ana G. Zambrano, expanding the collaborative work across borders. Also in February, Kevin’s experimental audio collaboration with Beijing based artist Sun Yizhou was published in Tokyo by the label Ftarri. Rooms and Shadows is audible on CD and digital streaming platforms.

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Featured Faculty

Sarah Sanford

Assistant Teaching Professor, Art Department

Director, ArtsBridge

Sara Sanford’s work has been recently featured in two exhibitions. Ephemerality at Strata Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Between Us and Trees: Conversations in the Secret Language of Nature which was at the Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock in Los Angeles. Ephemerality featured her Pedestal, no. 1, investigates the changing paradigm of the surface of the contemporary print in relationship to the lens and technology in the post-digital age. And

Between Us and Trees: Conversations in the Secret Language of Nature. Her mixed media print collage, How Little Can We See? no. 6 selected for the show – references montage and early split-screen cinema as a tool to examine fragmentation and distrust in our current climate of political and scientific distrust. The piece was given an Honorable Mention Award by the juror, John Greco, artist/ master printmaker and founder of Josephine Press. 

Featured Staff

Jason Greenberg

Art Department Assistant

Having a father who’s a scientist and a mother who was an interior designer for many notable Hollywood clients, it’s no wonder that Jason Greenberg, Art Department Assistant, has a perfect combination of artistic talent and top-notch organizational and planning skills. And even though as a kid he dreamed of being a jet fighter pilot thanks to watching Robotech and science fiction films, his interests fortuitously turned toward music.

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Featured Alumnus

Matthew Prescott

Porter, 2012, Film and Digital Media

Matthew Prescott’s career as a film editor developed progressively over time and now he’s working on one of the most watched shows on the CW network, All American, which has been renewed for its sixth season. The teen sports drama, about a high school football player who lives in South Central LA but goes to school in Beverly Hills, has been praised for how authentically it tells stories about a wide spectrum of Black experiences.

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Arts Happenings and In the News

Sharon Daniel and Anna Friz Awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowships

Professor Sharon Daniel and Associate Professor Anna Friz, both in the Film and Digital Media Department, have been awarded 2023 Guggenheim Fellowships. Chosen from a rigorous application and peer review process out of almost 2,500 applicants, these successful applicants were appointed on the basis of prior achievement and exceptional promise. Since its establishment in 1925, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has granted nearly $400 million in Fellowships to over 18,000 individuals, among whom are more than 125 Nobel laureates, members of all the national academies, winners of the Pulitzer Prize, Fields Medal, Turing Award, Bancroft Prize, National Book Award, and other internationally recognized honors.

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ArtsBridge Places Arts Division Students to Teach in K-12 Local Schools

For the 2022-23 academic year ArtsBridge, directed by Sarah Sanford, successfully placed 12 Arts Division students into nine county schools to teach an Arts discipline project. The students designed and are currently teaching projects ranging from theater arts and storytelling, dance, printmaking, drawing, painting, mixed media and fashion along with film and photography. As ArtsBridge scholars, they have had the opportunity to work in collaboration with amazing teachers in a range of schools throughout Santa Cruz County including alternative and Title I schools.

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Sir Isaac Julien, Distinguished Professor of the Arts, has First Major UK Exhibition at the Tate

Celebrated for his compelling lyrical films and his video art installations, Isaac Julien is one of the leading artists working in film and video today. This ambitious solo exhibition at the Tate Britain reveals the scope of Julien’s pioneering work in film and installation from the early 1980s through to the present day. The exhibition highlights Julien's critical thinking and the way his work breaks down barriers between different artistic disciplines, drawing from film, dance, photography, music, theater, painting and sculpture by utilizing the themes of desire, history and culture. Professor Isaac Julien’s work, spanning forty years, will be presented for the first time in the UK.

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Pixar – Story Matters: Virtual Exhibition

This past winter (2023), the department of Performance, Play and Design offered the course Pixar – Story Matters taught by Lecturer Noah Lucé. This class dives deeply into story creation through the Pixar lens, resulting in a project that spans the entirety of the quarter. Saul Villegas (first year MFA student in DANM) was inspired by the lectures' pedagogical focus (consent-based practices and UDL) and wanted to collaborate through his inquiry of research. He suggested examining the work of OpenLab UCSC and how they have created interactive online archives of student projects. Teaching Assistants Princess Kannah and Amy Blondell supported the process through its inception, review, and completion. The final result was a virtual exhibition and an in-person viewing of the student's final projects at the Media Theater. The online gallery provides a virtual space for students to share their work and provides the platform for a wider range of inclusive storytelling.

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micha cárdenas, Cynthia Ling Lee, Susana Ruiz, Huy Truong, Ann Friz, & Gerald Casel Collaborate on Oceanic: Queering the Ocean

Recently featured at the 2023 Outfest Fusion Festival, the film short, Oceanic: Queering the Ocean, was a creative collaboration between Arts Division faculty: micha cárdenas, Anna Friz, Cynthia Ling Lee, Susana Ruiz, Huy Truong, along with Gerald Casel who is currently a professor at Rutgers. How do we move through the loss of people, places, and even our own capacities due to COVID-19 and climate crisis? Oceanic responds to this question and to the urgent need to build new queer and trans BIPOC worlds of disability justice and climate justice.

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DANM MFA Student, Saul Villegas, Part of Art and Science Collaboration

Saul Villegas, first-year DANM MFA student, will show a virtual world hosted by Newartcity. The art and science collaboration began with Professor Thomas Guilderson at the Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) in 2020-21. The third installment of the project Deep-Sea Coral centers on a deep-sea scene with real archives provided to him by Hawaiʻi Undersea Research Lab (HURL) and placed in a 3D sculpture coral garden with speculative iterations of enhanced imagery to recreate submersible dives and encounters of denizens of the sea. He will highlight Guilderson’s research through an immersive view of photographs and video projections from coral “biological archives.” The in-person adaptation to the exhibition will take place at the Institute of Arts and Sciences building on the third floor, June 2-3, 2023.

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Refract Publishes Its Fifth Volume

The editorial board of Refract: An Open Access Visual Studies Journal, is pleased to announce the publication of its fifth volume. Issue 1, Sensing Place, features critical and creative work exploring the intersections of ritual, place and the sensorium. They are thrilled that Sensing Place includes contributions from emerging and established scholars from UCSC’s History of Art & Visual Culture department. The second issue of Volume 5, Imagining the Future of Digital Publishing, is a special supplemental issue dedicated to the unique possibilities and potential trajectories of publishing scholarship digitally. It was generously funded by The Humanities Institute.

HAVC Visual Studies PhD, Christina Hellmich, Launches Book on Native American Art

Christina Hellmich, who recently earned her PhD in Visual Studies, co-edited the publication Native American Art from the Thomas Weisel Family Collection. The book is the culmination of a five-year project and includes contributions from 89 authors from different disciplines and cultural backgrounds—scholars, culture-bearers, artists, collectors and museum professionals—and was developed in collaboration and consultation with Indigenous cultural leaders. The publication features 30 specially commissioned essays and 100 full-page plates of works including extended captions.

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Arts Division Students, Graduates and Faculty Participate in Black Sound Symposium

At a recent four-day symposium at Indexical featuring a number of artists, researchers and scholars from the UCSC Arts Division, graduate student Aaron Samuel Mulenga (History of Art and Visual Culture, Ph.D. student) discussed his artistic practices as informed by the histories of Black portraiture and the racial imagination in the United States. Mulenga was in conversation with Carolyn Jean Martin (Chair of the Arts and Cultural Studies Department and lead faculty of the Art History Program, Berkeley City College). The event was supported by the Visualizing Abolition initiative at the Institute of the Arts and Sciences, curated by Arts alumna Kira Dralle (Ph.D. Musicology, 2022), and satellite events at the UCSC Music Department are coordinated by Matthew Shumaker, Assistant Professor of Music.

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Chisa Hughes’s Thesis Film Has World Premiere at CAAMFest

Social Documentation MFA student Chisa Hughes’s thesis film MANY MOONS will have its World Premiere at the CAAMFest 2023 film festival, the nation’s largest showcase for new Asian American and Asian films. The film will play as part of the festival at SFMOMA on May 20. Many Moons will also make its Los Angeles debut at the LA Asian Pacific Film Festival (LAAPFF) at the Regal Los Angeles on May 13.

Irene Lusztig's Latest Documentary at the Tribeca Festival

Professor of Film and Digital Media Irene Lusztig’s new documentary, RICHLAND, will open at the world-renowned Tribeca Festival in June. Richland is a sobering, meditative portrait of a nuclear company town that embraces its origins and divisive past, all while reflecting on its future. Irene Lusztig’s patient and inquisitive storytelling expertly navigates themes of security, violence, and community.

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Balakrishnan Raghavan Awarded AIIS Fellowship to Study in India

Balakrishnan Raghavan, Ph.D. Student in Cross-Cultural Musicology, has just been awarded a digital sonic and visual projects fellowship from the American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS) as a Summer DIL Student Fellow, where he will focus on Oral Epics and Narratives of India: Annanmar Katai, working on tamizh, translation, performance, story and installing a digital exhibition, to be carried out in the summer of 2023.

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NEH Honors Watsonville is in the Heart Curated by Christina Ayson Plank, PhD Candidate

The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded a prestigious $75,000 Public Humanities Projects: Exhibitions Planning grant to Watsonville is in the Heart (WIITH). Housed in The Humanities Institute at UCSC, WIITH is a community-driven public history initiative to preserve and uplift stories of Filipino migration and labor in the city of Watsonville and the greater Pajaro Valley. Christina Ayson Plank, PhD candidate in the History of Art and Visual Culture’s Visual Studies and is head curator of the project.

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Arts Dean’s Fund for

Excellence and Equity

The Arts Dean’s Fund for Excellence and Equity (ADFEE) is dedicated to supporting the dissemination of student research. Qualifying projects must demonstrate a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. This fund is supported entirely through the generosity of our donors, and remains open as long as funding is available. Funds are administered through the Office of the Dean of Arts. Next deadline: May 10, 2023. Decisions will follow within two weeks.

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Internship Scholarships and

Living Expenses Funding

The Arts Professional Pathways Internship Scholarship supports successful student application and placement in internships by providing resources, events, and individual advising sessions to Arts students seeking internships. Students who are accepted into internships are then eligible to apply for the Arts Division Internship Scholarship Fund that supports living expenses during the period of the internship. Funding averages $1,000 per month, for the duration of the internship and are available on a first come basis as funds are available. Deadline: May 10.

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Arts Research Institute (ARI) — Funding Available

The Arts Research Institute administers a number of grant programs that support arts research and practice, visiting artists, and collaborative interdisciplinary arts-based research across the UC Santa Cruz campus. Funding is available for faculty, students, visiting artists, and research.

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2023 Digital Scholarship Symposium

The University Library's Center for Digital Scholarship is pleased to invite all UCSC students engaged in creative, critical research using digital tools and platforms to submit proposals for the 2023 Digital Research Symposium to be held on May 25, 2023. Applicants can propose to present a physical 3D or maker project in the DSI, showcase a digital project in the DSC, and/or deliver a 10-minute VizWall presentation in the DSC. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis until May 16th.

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Lakas Shimizu Memorial Scholarship Award for Students in the Arts

Lakas Shimizu was a gentle warrior, a deeply caring, generous, and empathetic young man who had a gift for drawing people together. Lakas unexpectedly passed away at the tender age of eight. In his memory, his family—parents Dan Shimizu and Celine Parreñas Shimizu, brother Bayan Shimizu, and grandfather Robert Shimizu—established a scholarship at UC Santa Cruz. The scholarship honors Lakas’ spirit by supporting students in the arts who engage in artistic and creative scholarly practice, and who organize people together to make an impact for inclusion and equity.

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Earth Futures Institute Logo Competition

The UCSC Earth Futures Institute at UCSC needs a logo! They would love to see your ideas. First prize is $750, second prize is $500, third prize is $250, and up to three Honorable Mentions will be awarded at $50 each. Deadline for submission is May 10, 2023.

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Central Coast Creative Corps Grants

Central Coast Creative Corps is a new grant opportunity funded by the California Arts Council. The grant will provide $140,000 to 23 year-long projects. $100,000 of each grant goes directly to an artist collaborating with a community-based organization. Application deadline: May 1, 2023.

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Sundance Institute Labs, Fellowships, Grants, Programs

The Sundance Institute’s artist programs provide dynamic support at every step of the creative journey for individuals with distinct voices in film and episodic storytelling. Each program consists of labs, grants, intensives, sessions, and ongoing resources for artists to nurture their projects and sustain their careers. Through year-round activities, Sundance provides the space for artists to create and share their stories with the world. Since their inception, the Institute’s programs have supported more than 11,000 artists and fostered a community for independent storytellers to learn, grow, connect, and give back.

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Join our events

More events at

April 26

Drop-In Figure Drawing

Art Department

Rm. M101, Baskin Arts Bldg. (UCSC)

April 26

Opening: DANM M.F.A. Exhibition

Digital Arts & New Media

Digital Arts Research Center (UCSC)

April 26

Screening: Queen of Diamonds

Visual & Media Cultures Colloquium

Studio C, Communications Bldg. (UCSC)

April 28

Opening: Ornament and Abolition

Institute of the Arts and Sciences

100 Panetta Ave, Santa Cruz

April 28

Opening: Carolina Caycedo and David de Rozas: The Blessings of the Mystery

Institute of the Arts and Sciences

100 Panetta Ave, Santa Cruz

April 28

Opening: Sadie Barnett: Family Business

Institute of the Arts and Sciences

100 Panetta Ave, Santa Cruz

April 28-29

32nd Annual Pilipino Cultural Celebration


Theater Arts Mainstage (UCSC)

April 30

Concert: S.F. Contemporary Music Players

April in Santa Cruz Festival of New Music

Recital Hall (UCSC)

May 5

Concert: La Alegría del Mariachi

Music Department

Recital Hall (UCSC)

May 9

ArtsBridge Celebration

Arts Division and SCCCOE

Porter Koi Pond (UCSC)

May 13

Student Recital: Jennifer Park, voice

Music Department

Recital Hall (UCSC)

May 15

Screening: Opus Cope

Music Department

Rm. 108, Digital Arts Research Center (UCSC)

May 17

Opening: Irwin Scholars Exhibition

Art Dept and Sesnon Gallery

Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery (UCSC)

May 18

Sesnon Salon: Performance, Play & Design

Arts Division and SCCCOE

Porter Koi Pond (UCSC)

May 19

Concert: UCSC Orchestra

Music Department

Recital Hall (UCSC)

May 19-28

Unibeauty and Her Wicked Daughters

Performance, Play & Design Department

Theater Arts Mainstage (UCSC)

May 20

Concert: UCSC Gamelan Ensembles

Music Department

Recital Hall (UCSC)

May 22

Panel: Shepard Fairey, Frank Abe, and Andrew Aydin

Arts Division

online event (Zoom)

May 24

Concert: UCSC Wind Ensemble

Music Department

Recital Hall (UCSC)

For ticketed events, please visit

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