
If you're new here, well howdy! Welcome to my weekly blog about Houston arts and culture, plus whatever else I wish to share from my brain. Scroll to the very bottom for more about it. If you're a parent or caregiver, be sure to check my GISH PICKS page for my CAMP PICKS (holiday day camps) and EXPLORE PICKS (school year enrichment programs). And, as you read, please note that all the words in purple are linked to websites.

What are you doing to get through these pandemic days and nights? I recommend two things to quickly lift your spirits: exercise and nature.

I'll be rounding up some cool nature spots in a few weeks, so stay tuned! As for exercise, do you have a daily routine? This is a great time to get one going -- just 15 minutes a day can change your whole outlook (something we need right now!). Some great FREE spots for online classes are YMCA 360, Yoga with Adriene, Houston Ballet's HB at Home, the Health Museum's running club and Live Lab (in partnership with Great Age Movement), and, just for kiddos, Discover Gymnastics.

Deep breathing and centering and self-awareness are very important right now (and always really...). I can help with current offerings are below. If you'd like to keep up with all my doings, please click here to get a sorta monthly newsletter from me full of info about my events and more, including my IGNITE YOUR LIFE! art project. Be sure to follow my Facebook pages too -- Gish Picks Kids and Gish Picks Adults. I'm always throwing words and pictures around somewhere!
My ⭐️ARTS PICKS Spotlight⭐️ this week is actually two sites run by the same organization: The Orange Show monument and Smither Park. The staff of the Orange Show Center for Visionary Art oversees them and is the organizer of the annual Houston Art Car Parade, which was cancelled this year because of COVID - which meant that my Phoenix Rising art car couldn't roll, sigh! However, you can click on the parade link and see a virtual version. This weekend the fun is firing up at "The Drive-in at the Orange Show," in which you can see movies AND get tours of the monument, which is currently closed. You can also check out beautiful Smither Park, which is open daily. On the big screen will be RUSHMORE (tomorrow, Friday, 8/21), DAZED AND CONFUSED (Saturday, 8/22), and BOYS N THE HOOD (Sunday, 8/23). The event is happening rain or shine, and you'll need an FM radio signal for the soundtrack. Tickets are $30/car and the tours are $15 more.
And now -- the two virtual events I am PICK-ing this week. Please note that even my VIRTUAL PICKS are always Houston-based because I am that committed to Houston arts & culture.

➡️ Virtual for ADULTS: Stages is busy these days! They are streaming the production "Sensitive Guys" for free through this Sunday, 8/23, with a live community talk-back that day at 6:30pm (register in advance here). And next weekend (August 28-30), my dear friend Outspoken Bean is performing "a reflective and vulnerable open letter to himself" called "Coloring Outside the Lines" that's part of their new Stages Studio Sessions from August 21-October 11.

➡️ Virtual for KIDS: Brazos Bookstore is usually hopping in person for kiddos, however they're doing great things online, including their Middle Grade Book Club, which is meeting next Saturday, August 29 (you must buy the book in advance, so I'm telling you about this now!). For the full skinny on all their groovy events for young'uns -- and book suggestions -- click here.
HIRE ME! If you want help getting centered -- or for focusing your life -- I'm available to help in many ways:

  • One-on-one labyrinth walks or nature mandala-making sessions (or both!), all done with masks and physical distancing. The fee varies based on what we are doing.
  • Virtual Life Path Sessions; see more about those here. It's $50 for 45 minutes during COVID
  • ZOOM meditation circle for kids up to 10 years old on Mondays from 10-10:30am through September 7 (the day before HISD starts). The fee is $20 for the rest of the series. NOTE: I'll be doing another series for kids of all ages (divided into 3 age segments) and will share those details in this blog.
  • Virtual Labyrinth Walk with the Hines Center for Spirituality on Saturday, September 12 at 10am. All you need is your hands and this labyrinth that you can print up or use on a nearby device. The fee is donation-based; we appreciate any amount!

To book me for anything, please call me at 713.492.1173 or reply to this email. I'd love to help you find PEACE in this crazy time. 

In non-pandemic times, and since I started publishing my blog in 2004, it has been a space to promote my curated list of unique live Houston area cultural events (PICKS) on the weekend for adults and kids. Because of COVID-19, those haven't happened since mid-March so I originally re-worked the format to focus on 5 Houston-based arts & culture organizations in my (Almost) Daily Dose of ARTS PICKS blog each of the NINE weeks of quarantine. You can see each edition - and read about 45 arts groups! - here.
And now I'm bringing you an ⭐️ARTS PICKS Spotlight⭐️ each week -- featuring an arts & culture space that is open -- and you'll get info about all of their activities and sometimes a video to bring them to life. Alongside that, I'll also be PICK-ing one local virtual event each for ADULTS and KIDS

I'll keep doing all of that until public events start happening again on a larger scale and I can start curating live event PICKS again.

In the meantime: please enjoy my weekly Spotlights and VIRTUAL PICKS, and please stay healthy!


Sarah Gish

P.S. If you want to IGNITE YOUR LIFE now or anytime, check out my list of "12 Ways to Ignite Your Life Daily" -- and watch the 12 videos I made about each Way here. I'm very proud of that list and my work and I hope it will help you live a fully creative life. Meditation, taking care of yourself, enjoying life, and laughing -- plus more! -- is what will get us through this global pandemic. 
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