Hello All,
As we close out the “Truly Memorable Year”, I would like to thank all of you for the continued support of our association. Without you, we would not be here.

I would like to also show my gratitude to our staff, Nancy Grimes and April Ball; they have really gone the extra mile this year to keep the events going, stay on top of the issues and keep all of us in line. Also all the Committee Members for the hard work and efforts to help make the events happen.

I am sure I speak for the entire board when I say, Thank you all!!

Looking forward to the New Year, as all, I look forward to the world returning to normal and getting back to business as usual. We have many exciting events planned for 2021, and it will be good to be able to see each other without masks on.

To all…. May the new year be blessed, the families healthy and safe, and enjoy your time with each other, and pass on the Holiday spirit whenever you can, A smile and a kind word goes far these days.

John Luft