
Legislative Update

ASAC Members,

While the legislative session is recessed for July that doesn’t mean the work stops. Attached is the very current status of dozens of bills that we’ve monitored and lobbied. Last week, we amended AB 902 to protect all Subs involved in the Design Build 'alternative process' for the Los Angeles Unified school district. Of significance is the listing law protections that we inserted; in fact we secured these protections into 3 different bills some years ago. So, we remain “ever vigilant”.

Session reconvenes the first week in August and ASAC will be there!

AB 902 - ASAC Position Neutral

Bill Status Report as of July 5, 2022


Skip Daum

American Subcontractors Association - California

916 825 9522

[email protected]

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ASAC | 916.905.1657 | [email protected] |