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July 18, 2017 - In This Issue:
AB 1274 (smog check) Update: Hearing Rescheduled to August 21, 2017

On July 5, AB 1274 passed out of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee on Monday, August 21. Please write and call the Senate Appropriations Committee members urging they vote "NO" on AB 1274.
AB 1274 is anti-consumer; anti-environment; anti-worker and anti-small business. The bill will extend the exemption for performing vehicle smog check inspection from 6 years to 8 years.
REQUEST: We need your help now! Voice your concerns to fight this unfair bill that hurts consumers, small businesses and the environment. Contact the Senate Appropriations Committee members along with your representative and explain in your own words how this bill will hurt your business.

ASCCA Countertop Display Contest Update

It was a wild weekend, with a ton of entries coming in before the bonus point expired. Unfortunately for NorCal, most of those entries were from California's lower half.

The score is 64 SoCal to 44 NorCal as of Sunday July 16.

Contact Ryan at with all entries and questions.

To the left we have an entry for NorCal from Don's Nissan & Z Specialist in Campbell. Follow the ASCCA on Facebook to view each weeks entries. Here are last weeks entries.

New bonus point opportunity from July 18-29! Send in a photo of the sign on your counter with someone eating ice cream for an extra point. You can earn this bonus point even if you have already submitted a photo. Also, don't forget the contest stakes. The winner of the contest will be served ice cream by the losing team at Team Weekend in November. Thank you to Kukui for sponsoring the Ice Cream Social!

ASCCA Member Benefit Survey - Last Few Days!

ASCCA would appreciate your feedback on our member benefit program.  Please take a brief moment to rate your satisfaction with the member benefit providers you use by July 21, 2017.

Featured Remarkable Results Radio Podcast: Educator Rick Escalambre 

Rick Escalambre earned his Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Arts from San Francisco State University. He taught full-time at Skyline College in San Bruno, CA for 31 years. In June 2015, he retired from full-time teaching and continues to teach part-time and do contract training.  In addition to teaching Engine Performance related subjects, he coordinated one of the largest and finest automotive programs in the State of California.

ASCCA  Member Exclusive Offer!

ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) Again to Bring You 
Special Course Offerings in 2017!
S eminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!  

Upcoming ASCCA Chapter Events 

July 18: Chapters 14 and 18 Meetings
July 19: Chapter 48 Meeting
July 20: Chapter 28 Meeting
July 26: Chapters 21, 99 and 1940 Meetings
July 27: Chapters 26 Meeting
ASCCA September Team Weekend - September 9-10, 2017

Join the ASCCA in Huntington Beach for the September Team Weekend:
Gustafson Brothers Automotive
19161 Gothard St
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Thank you to our ASCCA Corporate Partners! 

Mudlick Mail

1 Capitol Mall, Suite 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
(800) 810-4272

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