That Would Jeopardize California's Smog Check Program
On Tuesday, Assembly Bill 1274 (O'Donnell), legislation that would extend the exemption for performing vehicle smog checks from 6 to 8 years passed out of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee, and
will be heard next in the Senate Environmental Quality Committee this Wednesday, July 5.
We need your help to stop this anti-consumer, anti-environment, anti-worker, and anti-small business bill from taking effect.Call the Senate Environmental Quality Committee members TODAY and urge them to vote 'No' on AB 1274. Click here to view a roster of the committee members' names and contact information. To view a joint letter expressing the industry's detailed opposition to AB 1274, please click here.
The ASCCA Office Will be Close July 3-4 in Observance of Independence Day
ASCCA Member Benefit Survey
ASCCA would appreciate your feedback on our member benefit program. Please take a brief moment to rate your satisfaction with the member benefit providers you use by July 21, 2017.
Featured Remarkable Results Radio Podcast: Derek Kaufman from Schwartz Advisors
For 40 years, Derek Kaufman has worked in the Transportation Industry with positions ranging from VP Marketing and Product Planning for Freightliner Trucks, SR VP of Sales, Marketing and Customer Support for Hino Trucks, President of Diesel Technology Co, a subsidiary of Penske Corporation, VP of Fixed Operations for Smart USA and CEO of Mission Motors Company.
ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) Again to Bring You
Special Course Offerings in 2017!
Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,500. ASCCA members pay only $950 per attendee!