Friday: ASCCA Degree Program - A Student Education Pathway
Friday 1:00pm-4:00pm at
Cuyamaca College
You will learn how this exciting new degree program works and why this program presents a valuable opportunity for students.
Who Should Attend:
- ASCCA Members
- Educators from: San Diego Multi Regional High Schools & Colleges
- Educators from: Colleges Outside of the San Diego Region
Saturday: Connected Cars Training
Saturday 1:00pm-5:00pm at Cuyamaca College
- Connected Cars Technology Update - Fred Gruner, NVIDIA
- Demo of Bosch ADAS technology and calibration equipment - Neal Hoffman, Mitchell Int'l
- SAE + NASTF Update - Craig Johnson, NASTF Board Member, and Rob Morrell, Head of Training, WORLDPAC
Q&A with ASCCA Connected Car Committee - Student participation encouraged!