The ASCCA Membership Committee proudly announces Rob Pitari of All Wheel Auto, Truck & RV Repair as its ASCCA member of the month for November 2019. ASCCA regularly honors members who go above and beyond in demonstrating ASCCA's core values of integrity, compassion, professionalism, and unity. Along with these core values, Rob also embodies
ASCCA's core purpose: To elevate and unite automotive professionals and give them voice.
ASCCA 2019 November Team Weekend - November 9-10 in Sacramento
Join us in Sacramento for the November Team Weekend. Registration is now open. Sign up TODAY!
At the Education and Training on Saturday learn about cyber security and best practices and policies for your shop, then get important updates about ADAS with case studies featuring:
ASCCA Members Care: Shining a Light on What You Do for Others!
We would like to feature YOU! If you or an employee have a charity or community event that you support and would like to share it with the ASCCA, simply fill out this short online form.
This week we are featuring Kim Dragoo of Chapter 99 supporting the local high school trap-shooting team.
About ASCCA Members Care: The ASCCA PR Committee is proud to introduce our newest project, ASCCA Members Care. We want to highlight the amazing things that ASCCA shops are doing in their communities.
ATI Now Offering ASCCA Member-Exclusive Discount!
ASCCA Members:
Take advantage of ATI's one-day workshops, led by the smartest minds in the business, to discover how to tackle these common repair shop challenges:
Recruiting and retaining the best techs
Improving cash flow and profit potential
Marketing and promotions in the digital age
Creating freedom through operational consistency
Devising a succession and retirement plan
The average workshop attendee picks up 3% to 8% percent profit immediately by applying actionable strategies back at the shop.
Click here for more details including the ASCCA discount code and class dates and locations.
ASCCA's 2019 Raffle! Sponsored by AESwave
ASCCA is selling raffle tickets to win an
Autel MaxiIM IM608 (MSRP $3,9500.00).
Tickets are $25 each and the proceeds will benefit ASCCA & your local chapters ($5 of every ticket sold will go to your local chapter).
Ticket sales will be available through Dec. 20, 2019. The announcement of the winner will take place at the January 2020 Team Weekend event in Sacramento on Saturday, Jan 25, 2020.
Featured Remarkable Results Podcast - Dan Gilley - Attracting the Right Talent with the Right Stuff
Every new and young technician today have a lot more shops to choose from. Let's face it, there is a lingering issue of the technician shortage. If you are a business owner, what do you need to do to attract and/or retain talented individuals that possess the 'right stuff'.
You're eligible for a $75 referral fee when you refer a new Regular or Associate member to ASCCA! Referral Awards are paid out when the member's annual dues are paid for their first year.
Contact Kari Groff in the ASCCA office if you have any questions at or (800) 810-4272!