ASCCA is proud to officially announce the launch of its 2017 Membership Liaison Program. This door-to-door membership recruitment program was proposed by ASCCA's Membership Committee, and approved by the Board of Directors earlier this year.
In addition to supporting the Membership Committee's 2017 100-Plus goal of recruiting 100 new members, the purpose of this new endeavor is to gain and retain new members by cultivating relationships by emphasizing ASCCA membership value, advocacy efforts, and to provide business resources.
All potential Liaisons must meet certain minimum requirements, and fill out an online application and survey form. For compensation details, as well as information on who is eligible to become an ASCCA Liaison, please
click here.
ASCCA Countertop Display Contest Update
We have a huge bonus point opportunity next week, from
Monday September 4 through Friday September 8, leading right into the next Team Weekend!
Two bonus points will be given to those who feature an animal in their photo, and one bonus point for featuring a stuffed animal. Contestants will earn three bonus points for photos with both a live and stuffed animal.
The score is 81 SoCal to 57 NorCal as of Friday September 1.
Contact Ryan at with all entries and questions.
Here we have a bonus entry for SoCal from Nishikawa Auto Service in Pasadena.
New ASCCA Members: Join Us for Our September Team Weekend
Are you a new ASCCA member, or current member who has never attended Team Weekend? Join us for our September Team Weekend, where we'll be inducting new members and introducing first-time attendees! Other Team Weekend events include an educational talk on driverless cars from Fred Gruner, principal hardware engineer at NVIDIA, an ASCCA Team dinner (no-host) Saturday night, and more.
You don't want to miss it! Click hereto view the schedule and event details.
ASCCA's September Member of the Month - Lee Chesnin
The ASCCA Membership Committee is proud to announce that it has selected Lee Chesnin of BVA Independent Service Specialists as the ASCCA Member of the Month for September 2017. Each month, an ASCCA member is recognized for going above and beyond to support ASCCA's Core Purpose:
To elevate and unite automotive professionals and give them voice.
ASCCA Partners with Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) Again to Bring You
Special Course Offerings in 2017!
Seminar courses are normally $149.95. ASCCA members pay only $95 per attendee -- a savings of almost $55 per class! Service writer courses are normally $1,795. ASCCA members pay only $995 per attendee!
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey there will be a large amount of flood damaged vehicles being resold. provides a free flood check to identify vehicles with a reported history of flood damage. Since the vehicle history report is only as good as the information reported, the following article links will also provide reminders of how to spot flood damaged vehicles:
Featured Remarkable Results Radio Podcast: Dave Hobbs - Lead Technical Trainer at Delphi
Dave Hobbs' automotive service experience spans 40 plus years in the industry, starting out as a technician and then as a service manager working in his family's repair shop (Hobbs Auto Electric) in Kokomo, Indiana. After leaving Hobbs Auto Electric, Dave began working as a hotline advisor and field engineer at GM's Delco Electronics. Those roles eventually led to becoming an electronics systems instructor for thousands of Delco Electronics / Delphi engineers throughout North American and Asia.
Dave Hobbs is currently the lead technical trainer and course developer for Delphi Product and Service Solutions. In addition, he serves part time as a contributor to Motor Age Magazine and as a field correspondent for MACS Worldwide (Mobile AC Society).