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November 2024

"To Unite and Elevate Automotive Professionals, and Give Them Voice"

360 PaymentsArmstrong & Associates | ATI Automotive Training Institute | AutoVitals

AutoZone | BG Products | Cintas | ComplyAuto EduTech | Digital Financial Group | MailShark

NAPA AutoCare | O'Reilly First Call | Opus IVS | Shop-Ware | Shop Boss | WorldPac

Be sure to check out ALL of the benefits offered to ASSCA members.

ASCCA November Team Weekend Wrap-up

ASCCA President, Lee Chesnin welcomed fellow leaders, members, and partners to the November 2024 Team Weekend on Saturday, November 16th, in Temecula, CA. In addition to those that attended in-person, several attendees participated via Zoom. If you couldn’t join us, here is a recap of the Team Weekend events.

Government Affairs Committee

Jack Molodanof reported that the Legislature is back in Sacramento on December 2nd, but things will ramp up in January. He commented that there were three areas to watch:

  • SB 615 – Concerning the disposal of electric batteries. The bill was vetoed in 2045 and the author plans to re-introduce.
  • Potential Right-to-Repair bill
  • BAR Cite and Fine program – The language that provides for the corrective training that leads to the removal of the citation sunsets in 2026. ASCCA will work closely with BAR to extend the program.

He also commented that there may be new regulations concerning low rolling resistance tires as well as Smog check monitoring. Be sure to watch TeamTalk for information on these items and other areas of importance to your shops.

Education, Training and Information (ETI) Committee

The focus of the ETI Committee meeting was a review of the 2024 Annual Training Conference as well as some preliminary planning for the 2025 event. 

Even though the 2024 event was held at the same time as two other automotive training events, ASCCA realized a profit. Surveys received from participants were pleased with the location, facility, and the core training provided.

For 2025, the Committee discussed having a greater emphasis on tool vendors in the Exhibit Hall. 

Be sure to mark your calendars! The 2025 Conference will be held September 12-14th at the Embassy Suites by Hilton, San Francisco Airport Waterfront. More information will be available on the ASCCA website, TeamTalk, and via email blasts!

Annual Awards Luncheon

Following the Committee meetings, the attendees gathered for the Awards Luncheon which included the installation of the 2025 Board of Directors. President Chesnin thanked the 2024 Board of Directors, the Committee Chairs, the Corporate Partners, and the membership for their support during his presidency.

John Eppstein, Chair of the ASCEF, took the microphone to announce the following awards based on 2023 donations:

Most cars donated: Dave Kusa, Autotrend Diagnostics – donated 12 cars.

Largest financial contribution through vehicle donations: Jose Lira, Nishikawa Auto service - $16,000 in donations.

ASCCA Executive Director invited the 2025 Board of Director to join her to be sworn into office. The Board consists of:


Vice President:



Immediate Past President:

Speaker of Council of Representatives:


Dave Kusa

Jennifer Barizon

Gilbert Rios

Seiko Nagata

Lee Chesnin

Julio Campos

John Bridgwater, Trent Courtney, John Eppstein, Rob Morrell

President Chesnin presented the gavel to incoming President Kusa and commented on his ongoing support of him and his goals for ASCCA in 2025.

Incoming President Kusa summarized his background as well as his goals for 2025. 

In closing, Incoming President Kusa presented President Chesnin with a plaque expressing the appreciation of the full ASCCA.

Council of Representatives Meeting

Speaker of the Council Julio Campos called the meeting to order at 2:00pm. He welcomed representatives from Chapters 5, 12, 14, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 42, and 48. Chapters 18, 1940, 21, 26, and 99… you were missed!


Glen Dailey, Armstrong & Associates reported that workers’ compensation rates were starting to trend up a bit. More information will be coming out soon on a workers’ compensation program through Preferred Insurance providing a special discount only to ASCCA members. In addition to providing an additional benefit to current ASCCA members, this program may bring in new members. Zurich Insurance is leaving California, and their insureds are receiving non-renewal notices. Insurance companies that have left California may start to return, but with increased rates. Health insurance rates continue to rise, more than 10% for some programs in 2025. 


Several attendees commended Glenn and his team for their high level of customer service.


Lacy Raak of the California Green Business Network made a brief presentation to COR outlining their programs and some grant opportunities that will be announced in 2025. Larry Moore of Chapter 42 announced that he was one of the first shops in California to be certified as green. He commented that many of the improvements he made were beneficial to his bottom line and that he felt it made his shop a good member of the community. More information will be available in early 2025.


Michael Smith, Chief Strategy Officer of The Institute, addressed the attendees on “Winning Your Future.”


His presentation focused on 7 accelerating trends:

  1. Aftermarket Consolidation
  2. Automotive Technology
  3. Outside Investment
  4. Competitive Advantage
  5. Human Centric Companies
  6. Mastery
  7. Breakthrough Strategy


The impact of private equity investment in the industry needs to be considered. He also commented that the dealership model (including their service departments) has a target on its back. 


COR thanked Michael for this deep and thought-provoking information. 


The members of COR were given an updated Chapter Manual to take back to their leadership. 


Following adjournment for the day, the in-person attendees enjoyed good food and even better fellowship at dinner.

The ASCCA Board of Directors met on Sunday morning. Following an update by Glenn Dailey, the Board took the following actions:


  • Approved the Budget for 2025 as presented.
  • Authorized an increase in dues of a minimum of 3% each year, following an evaluation of the Association’s financial situation.
  • Requested exploration of a Chapter that would include State members who are unable to attend Chapter meetings due to geographic distance.


Incoming President Dave Kusa informed the Board that the Skyline Advisory Committee recognized ASCCA as the employer of the year for 2024. He also discussed his priorities for Committees and Board participation. He commented that he would be reaching out to each Committee Chair to further discuss his ideas.


Prior to adjournment, President Chesnin expressed his appreciation to the Board for the support they had given him.

ASCCA Webinar - What To Do If You Are Cited by BAR Free to Attend!

📅 Date: Thursday, December 12, 2024

🕕 Time: 6:00 PM (PT)

📍 Where: Online via Zoom


Navigating a Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) citation can be overwhelming, but ASCCA is here to help! Join our expert panel featuring Jack Molodanof, ASCCA's Legislative Advocate, and Dave Kusa, Chair of the Government Affairs Committee.


Calling All Automotive Technology Students!

Application Now Open for ASCEF SCHOLARSHIPS!

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Apply Today

Applications are currently being accepted for the Automotive Service Councils Educational Foundation (ASCEF) 2025 scholarships! Each year, the ASCEF awards scholarships ranging from $500 - $1,000. These scholarships provide assistance to current under-graduates who are in the automotive service field.

Overall Qualifications: You must be planning to seek employment in the California after-market/independent repair industry and be a

  • California high school senior who plans to enroll in post high school technical and academic training or
  • California college under-graduate in the automotive service field.

Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2025.

To apply online visit: https://automotivescholarships.com/scholarships/ascca

The ASCEF is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to supporting and advancing the entire automotive industry through technical education and training, scholarships, and other industry inspired programs.

To learn more about the ASCEF, visit www.ascef.org.

Questions? Contact Kate Peyser at 916-290-5828 or kpeyser@amgroup.us.

Tips for Scholarship Applicants

Legislative Update for November 2024

With the elections now behind us, the new legislative session is set to officially begin on December 2, focusing initially on some housekeeping tasks and bill introductions. Most legislative work, however, will kick off in January. This session brings a significant change, with thirty-six new legislators being sworn in. Below is an overview of what to expect in the coming year, along with a regulatory update.

Potential Legislation Next Year

Electric Vehicle Batteries – SB 615 Electric Vehicle Batteries – SB 615.  We expect SB 615 to be reintroduced. This bill, among other things, requires that automotive repair dealers who remove electric battery from a vehicle for repair, remanufacturing, or recycling must ensure that the battery is disposed of properly, adhering to the end-of-life requirements specified in the legislation. 

Right to Repair Legislation – Following the passage of SB 244, which establishes the Right to Repair for electronic equipment, there has been ongoing discussion about potential Right to Repair legislation for vehicles in California, possibly including a ballot measure. We will continue to monitor developments and provide updates.

Preventing Disclosure of Minor BAR Citations Extension – The program that prevents disclosure of minor BAR citations for documentation or record-keeping if an automotive repair dealer completes remedial training is set to expire in...

Read the Full Report...


Attention ASCCA Chapters! Have a Chapter Meeting Coming Up? ASCEF Chair John Eppstein and ASCEF President Dave Kusa would like to come to your meeting and talk about the ASCEF Car Donation Program and the value it can bring to not only your shop, but also your customers!

Interested in them in coming to your next meeting?

Email John at john@johnsautomotivecare.com and

Dave at dave@autotrenddiagnostics.com.

Bureau of Automotive Repair Updates:

2025 Dates For BAR Advisory Group Meetings

The 2025 dates for the BAR Advisory Group Meetings have been posted. The dates are: January 30, 2025; April 24, 2025; July 31, 2025; and October 23, 2025. Additional details and materials will be posted 10 days in advance of the meeting date.


Remarkable Results Radio

New Podcast Episodes for November 2024!

The Triple Threat: Mastering Three Labor Rates

(Remarkable Results)

RR-1008-dave-schedin-3-labor-rates image

Dave Schedin discusses the three core types of labor—preventative maintenance, diagnostics, and repair—and their efficiencies and volume requirements, as well as the critical importance of creating preventative maintenance programs. Learn about the significance of effective customer communication and the value proposition of maintenance services.

Read More/Listen...

Embracing Regret: Learn and Grow From Past Mistakes

(Town Hall Academy)

THA-407-regret image

This engaging discussion covers the psychological underpinnings of regret, the importance of having a thought partner, and the value of optimism and activity in combating anxiety. Dr. David Weiman dives into the psychological aspects of regret and decision-making, while Murray Voth shares insights from his coaching experience, highlighting how regret can hinder business progress. Perfect for automotive professionals and business owners looking to advance their understanding and navigate their regrets effectively.

Read More/Listen...

You can find all the newest episodes as well as the entire library HERE!

Sandra Simental

A1 Hydraulics Ca LLC/Walker's Hydraulic

Concord, CA

Chapter 16 Associate Member

Juan Zamarron

Quick & Easy Automotive

Chula Vista, CA

Chapter 24 Regular Member

Butte Valley Automotive

Oroville, CA

Chapter 99 Regular Member

Quentin Swan

La Crescenta, CA

Chapter 12 Retired Member

ASCCA Committees Seek Your Help
ASCCA committees are seeking volunteers. Involvement can be at varying levels of time commitment, comfort level and responsibility. Simply reach out to committee leaders and let them know more about your interest, talent and available time commitment and they will match you up with ways you can help.

ASCCA committee volunteers have one thing in common, they agree that by volunteering they received more than they give in the way of both personal and professional growth.

You can learn more about ASCCA Committees at: https://www.ascca.com/committees 
Let us know if you’d like to attend a future meeting at info@ascca.com


ESI Webinar: Annually, quarterly, monthly or weekly: what should be addressed in your business at what intervals

December 10, 2024 | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Virtual/Online - Free to Attend | Register Here

ASCCA Hosted Webinar: What to Do If You Are Cited by BAR

December 12, 2024 | 6:00pm

Virtual/Online - Free to Attend | View More

Save The Date!

2025 Annual Training Conference

September 12-14, 2025

Embassy Suites by Hilton San Francisco Airport Waterfront

Chapter Events

Chapter 20 – Mt. Diablo Chapter Mixer

December 3, 2024 | 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Chapter 23 – Annual Holiday Party

December 10, 2024 | 6:30pm

All Committee Meeting Information is available on the ASCCA Website Calendar!

ASCEF Vehicle Donations

Thank you to Dave Kusa, owner of Autotrend Diagnostics

for donating a Dodge Ram!

Your donation raised $900 for the ASC Educational Foundation! 

To give him a "thank you" contact him at (408) 866-5140

Thank you to Ron Larsen, owner of Larsen Auto

for donating a Toyota Camry Hybrid!

Your donation raised $2950 for the ASC Educational Foundation! 

To give him a "thank you" contact him at (707) 535-0720

Your donations will continue to help us award scholarships to

students seeking a career in the automotive aftermarket industry.

We appreciate all the support!

Visit www.ascef.org.

Help us reach our goal of $45,000 in car donations by providing your customer with a simple way to donate an unwanted vehicle quickly and safely!


  1. It’s easy and the pick-up is free!
  2. The proceeds from the sale of the vehicle will help us continue to award scholarships to students wanting to develop a career in the automotive aftermarket industry!
  3. Donating saves time and money on repairs and maintenance.
  4. Added value to your shop while supporting an automotive industry nonprofit.
  5. Our Vehicle Donation Support Team is here to guide you every step of the way.
  6. We help you take care of the paperwork and provide you with any necessary tax documents.
  7. Vehicle donations are tax-deductible.


To donate, call (844) 877-2473. We accept all types of vehicles that meet the following basic requirements:

  • Vehicle has a clear title.
  • Vehicle is in one piece.
  • Vehicle is accessible for safe towing.
  • Vehicle does not need to be running.
It’s so easy to build careers one car at a time. ASC Educational Foundation rewards scholarships each year to students wishing to develop a career in the automotive aftermarket industry. So help us make a difference in a student’s life! Learn more about donations through the ASC Educational Foundation.

The ADA Checklist: 2021 Compliance

Guidelines for Website Accessibility

ADA website compliance and web accessibility are two terms that are used interchangeably but they are distinct from one another.

ADA stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Courts are construing Title III of the ADA to mean that websites must be accessible. Thus, with ADA website compliance, we're referring to the law.

Refer a Member Receive $125

You're eligible for a $125 referral fee when you refer a new Regular or Associate member to ASCCA!

Referral Awards are paid out when the member's annual dues are paid for their first year.

Contact the ASCCA office if you have any questions at info@ascca.com or (800) 810-4272!

360 PaymentsArmstrong & Associates | ATI Automotive Training Institute | AutoVitals

AutoZone | BG Products | Cintas | ComplyAuto EduTech | Digital Financial Group | MailShark

NAPA AutoCare | O'Reilly First Call | Opus IVS | Shop-Ware | Shop Boss | WorldPac

California Employer's Services | KUKUI | RepairPal | Tekmetric

1 Capitol Mall, Ste. 800
Sacramento, CA 95814
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