ASCCA President, Lee Chesnin welcomed fellow leaders, members, and partners to the last 2023 Team Weekend on Saturday, November 18th, in Sacramento. In addition to those that attended in-person, several attendees participated via Zoom. If you couldn’t join us, here’s a recap of the Team Weekend events.
Government Affairs Committee
Dave Kusa, Chair of the Government Affairs Committee, welcomed those in the room and those participating via Zoom.
Jack Molodanof provided a review of legislation monitored by ASCCA in 2023:
- AB 1263 – Sunset Review legislation
- Catalytic Converter bills
- Paid Sick Leave
- AB 436 – Vehicle cruising
- Right to Repair bills SB 244 (electronics) and SB 271 (power wheelchairs)
The Legislature will resume in January 2024 and J. Molodanof is anticipating around 2,500 bills. It is anticipated that a bill will be introduced to reduce the workweek from 40 hours to 32.
Membership Committee
Angi Roberts, Chair of the Membership Committee, summarized the activities of the Member Committee. She then led the attendees on an exercise of “Getting to Know your Neighbors”. Attendees (as well as those on Zoom)...