Dear ASCLD Colleagues,

Happy Independence Day! I hope those of you celebrating here in the US are able to enjoy a long weekend and make the time to rest and recharge. Many of my President’s Messages are related to selfcare and employee wellness and I am sure you have guessed that it is a topic of particular interest to me. For me, I want to help those I surround myself with to be the best version of themselves and set them up for success. Learning how to do this is a continuous process and I have learned that the saying is true – you cannot pour from an empty cup.

I often say that one of the greatest aspects of ASCLD is that it brings together leaders in forensic science to share experiences. I have learned through conversations with fellow ASCLD members that one of the shared experiences is that of stress and burnout among ourselves and our teams. This past week, Past-President Jeremy Triplett and I met with one of our keynote speakers, Paula Davis of the Stress and Resilience Institute, and spoke about stressors in forensic science. We are looking forward to learning about generosity fatigue and the difference between burnout and stress in Paula’s presentation this August. Her book, Beating Burnout at Work, is on my reading list.

Speaking of reading lists, I would like to know what you have read, listened to, or watched that has inspired you in your leadership journey. If you would take a moment, please let me know here: I will share your recommendations in a future Crime Lab Minute.

Have a terrific week!

Be well,


Erin P. Forry
ASCLD President