ASCP Announces $5000
Nina Schooler Early Career Research Award
Nina Schooler, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. Trained as a social psychologist, Dr. Schooler has been conducting research on schizophrenia treatment and course for many decades. Dr. Schooler has been an integral educator in the field of psychopharmacology and continues to further her personal goal of the development of early career clinical trialists through leadership on the ASCP New Investigator Award Committee. Her passion for educating the next generation of clinical psychopharmacologists has inspired many of her past mentees to become educators. 

Psychiatry residents and fellows who are interested in or are beginning to engage in clinical psychopharmacology research are invited to submit applications for the 2019-2020 ASCP Nina Schooler Early Career Research Award. Physicians who are currently in psychiatry residency or fellowship programs, or doctoral-level psychologists/pharmacists (i.e., PhD, PsyD, PharmD) who are currently involved in clinical internships, externships or fellowships are eligible to apply. All applicants are required to be ASCP members. (Please note Society membership for residents and trainees is at no cost.) No prior research experience is required.

Funds may be used to assist with costs directly related to start-up or pilot research projects. This may include, but is not limited to, travel to research-related scientific meetings, relevant coursework, statistical consultation, or material project costs (e.g. supplies). Please note that awards will not include salary support nor payment of additional indirect costs to the awardee's institution.

Mentorship by an ASCP senior investigator also will be available to the successful recipient.

Any project related to human clinical psychopharmacology may be considered for submission; basic science or animal research is not within the scope of this award. 

Applicants should submit the following:
  1. Current CV
  2. One page letter of support from an on-site faculty mentor. The on-site faculty mentor is not required to be an ASCP member.
  3. Funding proposal to support a research project. The proposal should be no more than 2 single-spaced pages.
  • Background and Significance
  • Aims and Hypotheses
  • Study Procedures
  • Data Analytic Plan
  • Clearly define the candidate’s role in the project
  • Budget, including if the budget is going to contribute to a larger project that gets additional funding elsewhere

One award will be given in 2019. The ASCP review committee will judge submissions on the basis of qualifications of the applicant and the merits, originality and feasibility of the proposed project. The successful awardee will be recognized and share their research at the 2020 ASCP Annual Meeting. The deadline to submit an application is February 1, 2019 . Send your application and information to [email protected] . If interested, please send a one page letter of intent prior to submission.

**Awards will be made by July 1, 2019. Projects must be initiated within 6 months of the award and conclude within 18 months of the award. Please note that awards will not include payment of additional indirect costs to the awardee's institution.
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology | 5034A Thoroughbred Lane, Brentwood, TN, 37027 
O: 615-649-3085 | F: 888-417-3311 | [email protected]