State of Affairs at SCP

Green Office Program Launch
by Karmen Burchett

The Green Office Pilot is in its second week of getting off the ground! All of the offices are so excited to be participating, and so are we. In fact, the ASCP (which shares a combined office with AHEC Events) is partaking in this pilot, as well! After completing our baseline assessment, we have realized that we have a lot of our own work to do to become certified, so we will be learning alongside all of you! We are all in this together and we are all learning how to change our behaviors and implement green strategies in our office together! The ASCP went to the AASHE (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education) conference in September and learned that many campuses across our country are participating in Green Office Programs, so we decided we need to step up and incorporate this program on our campus. This program gives faculty and staff the opportunity to participate in making an impact on campus, alongside student actions. The crux of the pilot is based around a checklist that is divided into categories and actions. This checklist provides a baseline level of essentially how green your office is (bronze, silver, gold or platinum). The checklist is also a way to strategize how you can improve your level of certification so you can become more sustainable. As the Eco-leader for the ASCP and the Event Planning office, I am shooting for the stars, I believe we can make it to the Gold level Certification by the end of the semester.

Waste Pilot/Bin Deployment...and Our Eco-Reps Are Awesome!

Last week we deployed brand new 3-bin systems (landfill, recycle, compost) in the 2nd floor break room of West Classroom and in the Library Cafe. These are part of a 100 day pilot geared toward testing new infrastructure and the operational impact on our custodial staff. Depending on what we learn, we'd like to expand compost infrastructure to other parts of campus someday! This week, our INCREDIBLE Eco-Reps will be offering bin-side waste sorting education in these two locations and in the Tivoli from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. Come check out the bins and learn how to sort your waste! We will have a comprehensive waste sorting guide soon. Check out our facebook post to see the action!
New 3-bin system in the Library Cafe
Check out the new stickers on the water bottle filling stations in Science!

In an effort to make it easier for our campus community to connect with our programs and resources, we've launched a brand new website:! Over the coming months, we will work to upload more and more information about ongoing projects, tools and resources, including our Solar Road Map, our Water Action Plan, our Strategic Plan and our Greenhouse Gas Inventory. You can direct friends here to sign up for our newsletter!
Meet Our Staff

Ever wondered who is behind the scenes here at the ASCP? Check out our bios below to learn more...and then come by Tivoli 325 and say "hi"!
Chris Herr, Sustainability Officer

Hello! I am the Sustainability Officer for the Auraria Campus Sustainability Program. My role is to facilitate programs and projects that reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, conserve water, encourage alternative forms of transportation, create educational opportunities for the student body, and otherwise conserve our resources. In addition to these very exciting responsibilities, I also get to work with student groups and individuals that have ideas on how we can make the Auraria Campus more sustainable. We have plenty of opportunities to get involved with our program so if you have an idea/comment/suggestion/anything, please do not hesitate to send it our way!"
Jackie Slocombe, Sustainability Coordinator

Hello! I recently transitioned from the ASCP Graduate Assistant into a full time role as the Sustainability Coordinator. I am extremely excited that I now have twice as much time to spend working to make our campus more sustainable. A native of Amherst, Massachusetts, I moved west in 2015 to live closer to mountains and not a day has gone by that I've regretted it. I love to backpack and hike, run, bike, dance (particularly salsa), play pickup soccer, have picnics in Cheesman or volunteer for Denver Food Rescue. I'm also completing the last few credits of my Masters Degree in Urban and Regional Planning at UC Denver. While I am passionate about every pillar of sustainability, I’m particularly passionate about food waste these days and am excited about efforts the campus is taking to address this issue. I’m also determined to connect the dots between faculty, staff and student sustainability efforts this semester and look forward to meeting more of you!
Joel Cruz-Haber, Student Ambassador

I f you know me, you are probably not surprised that I work here. I am a Colorado native and am starting my junior year at CU Denver, in which I am earning a BA in Urban Studies and Planning with a focus in Sustainability. Since my hiring in the Fall of 2018, my main focus has been decreasing the amount of recycling and compostable items that end up in the landfill. In other words: waste diversion. I have worked with team members to coordinate a Zero-Waste pilot program which also includes vendor participation. I am passionate about my work for sustainability especially on campus as there is so much potential to improve the economic, social, and environmental welfare on campus specifically through the ASCP. ​
Karmen Burchett, Student Ambassador
Hello! I’m Karmen, one of the Student Sustainability Ambassadors at the ASCP! I am a Geography Major with a concentration in Sustainability at MSU. I love my program! I’m from Tennessee and grew up hiking the Blue Ridge Mountains. I found so much beauty and peace in the wilderness that I wanted conserve it for future generations. My passion for the environment has led me to sustainability which also encompasses social justice, it’s definitely a balance of planet and people. I am a senior and look forward to opportunities in the sustainability field from outside our campus. When I grow up I want to be a sustainability consultant and a political decision maker, but for now I am proud to be a part of the ASCP! I like to travel to new countries. I want to learn Spanish, and I am part of the change!
February Campus Sustainability Heroes: Library Cafe, Simply Fresh Market, iPie and Sonos
We'd like to give a major shout out to this month's sustainability heroes: the staff at s'ONOS, iPie, the Library Cafe and Simply Fresh Market. For the past two weeks, as part of our compost expansion pilot, the staff at these food vendors have been composting their back-of-house waste. Since January 28 th , the participating vendors have collectively diverted over 600lbs (estimation) of organic waste from the landfill and into the compost pile! Furthermore, the staff of the Library Cafe and Simply Fresh have to walk further than normal to access the one compost dumpster we have on campus. It's inspiring and admirable that these folks are willing to go the "extra mile" (well, not quite a mile) to help improve compost on campus. As Misty, the manager of s'ONOS said, “We want to do our part to help the campus out any way we can!” 

The next time you're at any of these four establishments, feel free to thank them for their efforts and ask them about the compost program!
Staff at s'ONOS demonstrating their back of house compost!
Staff at the Library Cafe show off their new bins.
The manager of s'ONOS composting some 'cados.
Upcoming Events (on and off campus)

February 12th: Vision Zero Auraria Kick-Off . 5:30-7 PM, North Classroom 3004.
  • Join us on for the Vision Zero Auraria Kick-off! As students, we’re often stuck in the theoretical - designing projects that don’t leave the paper. CU, Metro and CCD students have an incredible opportunity to affect change on our shared Auraria campus this semester, with financial/technical help from the City and WalkDenver!

February 12th: Free Bicycle Safety Class . 6:15 PM - 7:45 PM.
  • Bicycle Colorado, a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Denver, has been invited by Boulder County Transportation and Cyclists 4 Community to present a FREE class to interested cyclists and drivers of all ages and abilities that is aimed at informing both groups on how they can safely coexist on the roadway.

February 13th: MSU Denver Geology Club First Meeting of Year. 4:30 PM (SI 2008). Snacks provided.

February 14th : Complete Streets Valentine's Day Love-In . Feb 14th, 11:30 AM - 1 PM.
  • Share your love for Complete Streets! Join the Vision Zero Coalition and Denver Streets Partnership to support street design standards that put people first.

  • The Office of Sustainability Advisory Council is a group of volunteers who assist the Office in promoting the sustainability of the City and County of Denver and its community. Advisory Council meetings are open to the public. The Advisory Council meets the third Wednesday of even-numbered months (February, April, June, etc.) from 3:00-5pm in the first floor conference room at The Alliance Center, 1536 Wynkoop St., Denver

February 23rd: Climate Leadership Training , Alliance Center Denver. February 23, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

February 26: WASSUP Water Career Fair , 10 AM - 3 PM, St Cajetan's.
  • Come find an internship, job or just connect with professionals and employers working in the environmental and water fields.

March 21st: 2019 Denver Mayoral Candidate Forum . Alliance Center Denver. March 21, 6 PM - 7:30 PM.

March 27: WASSUP New Belgium Brewery Tour

April 27: WASSUP Earth Day River Clean Up
Get Involved!

Every year, the ASCP reviews or drafts dozens of proposals brought to us by students, staff, and faculty. Do you have an idea that could make the Auraria Campus more sustainable? Let us know!