Martin Schamis, CFP®, Vice President & Head of Wealth Planning, Janney Montgomery Scott

When the topic of financial planning is raised, people’s thoughts tend to immediately focus on saving, investing and ultimately generating income in retirement. While these are certainly critical components of building a solid financial foundation, so too are strategies for protecting your income and assets from the unexpected..

The future is always an uncertainty. Therefore, you need to prepare as much as possible for the unexpected. Having the appropriate insurance protections in place — whether for your personal property, your family’s financial well-being if you should die or become disabled, or protecting your savings from being eroded by the costs of a major health care crisis — brings with it the peace of mind that your goals can still be achieved whatever the future may hold.

As you create your own plan, make sure you don’t overlook the following key income and asset protection strategies:

John Hancock Talks Podcast

In this episode of Hancock Talks, we focus on the estate-planning landscape and the impact of potential tax legislation, both today and during the year ahead. We’re joined by Kevin Blanton, Associate Counsel with John Hancock’s Advanced Markets group, to discuss:
  • Advantages of acting now to help your clients benefit from the present exemptions for estate and gift taxes — and the Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax (GSTT) — and options for those who want to wait
  • Current and potential legislative changes and how they can impact financial planning 
  • Estate-planning strategies to help clients better prepare for whatever the future holds

Missed the Webinar "Nationwide Peak 10 Fixed Indexed Annuity?

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Missed 'ASG Vive Launch - Drop Ticket Platform' Webinar? You can still view the recording.

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"Securing Your Sales With The SECURE ACT" Webinar by Mark Milbrod, CLU, CLTC

On December 20, 2019, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Act of 2019 was signed into law.

The law was designed to ease the looming retirement crisis by making it easier for small businesses to offer their employees retirement plans.

Learn about the act and how you will open the door to new Life Insurance & Annuity Sales. You will walk away with actionable sales ideas on how to identify the target market, start the conversation and bring in new sales.

Checkout for all the Links and Updates.

The Department of Financial Services' (DFS) Reg. 187 imposes a "best interest" suitability standard on all transactions related to life insurance and annuities. In this section we will post carrier announcements regarding the effects that NYS reg. 187 will have for each company. The annuities requirements took effect on August 1, 2019; the life insurance requirements kicked in on February 1, 2020.

Get into the habit of doing your AML course annually!

Although several carriers will accept AML training for up to two years from last course completion date. However, many carriers also require the AML to be renewed on an annual basis. It would be a good routine for YOU to get in the habit of doing an annual AML course. This way you will have one less requirement to be concerned about!

This guide is intended to provide you with a convenient, single source for product and underwriting information, as well as other resources for several of the leading hybrid/linked LTC products in the market. Click Here
Click Here to find a list of carrier announcements, restrictions, and resources to help keep your business processing as smoothly as possible.
For more information please contact your ASG office or go to our website 212.697.2025