Upcoming Meetings and Events
Tennessee Valley ASHE September Webinar: Join us for this special edition webinar on September 3, 2020 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EST) as Fritz Brogdon (Arcadis) presents on "Taking a Look Back at Chattanooga's Transportation Future." Please register for this event here.
Virtual Social Event: We invite you to join us for a special after hours social event (time TBD). Please take this short survey to let us know your availability and what type of event you would like to attend. We want to hear from you!
Middle Tennessee ASHE Web Conference: Please save the date for a virtual meeting/training opportunity on September 9, 2020 hosted by Middle Tennessee ASHE. (Registration and other details will be available about two weeks ahead of the meeting.) Stay tuned for additional information.
Tennessee Valley ASHE is looking for presentations for upcoming meetings and web conferences. If you have a presentation on a project or topic that you would like for us to consider, please send an email to Rachel Gentry (Rachel.Gentry@tn.gov) and Fritz Brogdon (Fritz.Brogdon@arcadis.com).