Image ©Jim Reiman All Rights Reserved.
ASMP Colorado Social Media contest: Congratulations to Jim Reiman for winning our Facebook and newsletter cover contest! If you have an image you'd like featured here, go to ASMP Colorado Photo Chat on FB and upload your photo. The image that gets the most likes will be featured here and on the Facebook banner. You must be an ASMP member.
Working Toward a More Diverse ASMP Colorado
We are listening, learning and working towards a more diverse and equitable ASMP Colorado. As the result of recent events in the United States, we are having a thoughtful conversation on the current and historical treatment of Black and marginalized people in our community; we are crafting a statement and action plan to that effect. Our hearts and minds are with our Black community members, and our inbox is open to suggestions about how we may better serve you. Please email colorado@asmp.org with any thoughts you may have.
Call for Diverse Group of 2021 Board Members
ASMP Colorado is puttin g out a call out for a diverse group of 2021 Board Members. In an effort to move this chapter and organization to diversity and inclusivity, to hear a range of viewpoints and ideas, an ideal place to start is with a board that represents Colorado's demographics for race and gender.
In rounding up, if we keep 16 board members these are the ideal numbers, and the very minimum for BIPOC, LGBTQ and non-white board members:
Positions available are:
- Membership
- Webmaster
- At Large
- Elections
- VP
- Committee members, and possibly
- Secretary
Here is a link to learn more about these roles.
Once elected, you must be an active ASMP member to serve on the board. Chapter board members should be successful freelancers, business owners and/or talented photographers. It's a great opportunity to meet new people, grow professionally and learn new skills. For example, as webmaster you will learn all about Wordpress, WooCommerce, Yoast SEO and Google Analytics. It's also a great way to get more involved in your photo community.
If you're interested, please feel free to contact one of our board members and/or fill out this short application.
Photo Assistant Workshop will be virtual!
If you’ve wanted to enter the world of assisting photographers, or if you’re in it and want to increase your knowledge, you’ll want to register and attend this important event.
Attend all three days and receive a Certificate of Completion!
When: Sept 25: 6:00-8:00PM, Sept. 26: 9:00AM-1PM & Sept. 27: 9:00AM-2PM
Where: Zoom
Cost: ASMP Members $10
ASMP Student Members $15
Non-member $45
Above image ©Stephanie Barber
ASMP Member Feature: Yekú-Yekú Baker
Pronounced Yee-koo. Many times people get it wrong; but she doesn’t mind kindly correcting them. After surviving three wars and retiring from 22 years in the Army, Yekú-Yekú was undecided as to what she wanted to do. She went to massage therapy school and became licensed. She then went on to the Healing Touch Energy Medicine Program and worked her way up to Level 4 of 6. Although healing runs through her blood and is a part of fulfilling her life’s purpose to serve others; photography has always been her true love. Before transitioning to the professional arena, she decided to enroll in the Photography Program at Pikes Peak Community College. She continues to perfect her craft, build her body of work, and offer her brands Geovani Blu Photography and Geovani Blu Boudoir. She feels confident that she will continue to create images that are meaningful, impactful and change the world for the better by empowering women to feel strong in their sexual power. Follow her on Instagram @geobluphoto, @geobluboudie and @light_ch8ser.
Above Image: ©Eric Stegall | Portraits for Patriots
Below image: ©2020 Yekú-Yekú Baker
Virtual Brews & Business: Cancelled due to Labor Day
Coffee & Conversation: Boulder and Loveland will be virtual on Zoom
An open discussion about the business of photography. Have a success story you want to share or questions about ASMP? Have tips about keeping your business running smoothly? Pour yourself a cup of coffee and join us virtually on Zoom through your laptop, tablet or phone.
Virtual Boulder Coffee Meetup via Zoom
This month Stacey Lynne Foster, Tyler Beck, and Peter Lee will be joining us from Canon to talk about the new R system and Canon Professional Services.
When: Monday, September 14, 2020
Time: 7:30AM - 9:00AM
Meeting ID: 865 6376 2343
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,86563762343# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,86563762343# US (San Jose)
Virtual Loveland Coffee Meetup via Zoom
When: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Time: 8:00AM - 10:00AM
Meeting ID: 819 5352 5721
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,81953525721# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,81953525721# US (Houston)
Above image: SoudersStudios ©2020
Support Our Sponsors:
In this difficult business climate, please support our ASMP CO sponsors: Mike's Camera, Chimera Lighting, Profoto, Mega Pixels Digital, Agency Access, PowerEx by Maha Energy, Sony and Shiny Red Copy. Direct links included below.
The CASE Act needs your support to become law
Calling all photographers: Please click here to help the ASMP National Summer CASE Act campaign by using ASMP’s easy online tools to send emails to Senators Michael Bennet and Cory Gardner asking them to support the CASE Act. Then call to tell them their constituents want them to cosponsor the CASE Act, S. 1273. If we don't get this passed now, we'll need to start all over from scratch.
Senator Cory Gardner (202) 224-5852
Senator Michael Bennet (202) 224-5852
The Creative Business: A Virtual Round Table Discussion
This year this event is online discussing business basics for creatives. In concurrent rotating sessions, four groups will learn about:
- Insurance
- Basic Taxes & Invoicing
- Self-Promotion
- Contracts
When: Thursday, November 5, 5:00PM-8:30PM
Where: Zoom
Cost: ASMP Members Free
ASMP Student Members Free
Non-members Free
More information coming soon.
Have Questions? Email Howard Paul: howard@howardpaulphotography.com
FaceTime headshots are a thing now by ASMP CO member Jim Darling. Jim gives an inside look into coordinating with a Chicago creative firm to do virtual headshots for a San Francisco client in this entertaining and informative blog post.
Image: ©Jim Darling
ASMP Buy/Sell/Trade group on Facebook
This group is for ASMP Colorado members and their friends for a convenient way to buy/sell/trade to people in the community. This is a private group. You'll need to request to join first.
ASMP CO Newsletter Sign Up Form
Do you know someone who may be interested in our ASMP newsletter? Just forward them this link http://bit.ly/2HQS8gI to easily sign up.
September 7 - NO Brews & Business due to Labor Day
Thank you to our Diamond Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Diamond Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Platinum Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Gold Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Gold Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Silver Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Silver Level Sponsor!
Thank you to our Silver Level Sponsor!