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Diagnosing Depression in Autistic Individuals

Autistic individuals are four times more likely to experience depression during their lifetime than the general population, according to a 2019 analysis. About 40% of autistic adults and 8% of youth have had depression. Researchers are studying ways to improve doctors’ ability to diagnose depression in people who have autism. This article identifies various risk factors to look for in autistic children and adults that can aid in the diagnosis of depression.

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SPARK - Join SPARK and help advance the understanding of autism

The Art and Science of Treating Depression in Autism

Faced with limited data about autism and depression, doctors often rely on their clinical experience to treat depressed patients who have autism. This article details various treatments that can be used to treat depression in autistic children and adults despite the lack of research on the topic.

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A Beautiful Mind - See It Through My Eyes

Adopted at 12 days old from a mother who reportedly battled Schizophrenia and was later diagnosed with Autism, Mild Intellectual Disability, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Schizoaffective Disorder, one could only begin to imagine the complexities of Elizabeth’s beautiful mind. Elizabeth, an autistic savant who can draw completely from memory, uses her artwork as a means of emotional regulation and comfort when feeling agitated.

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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Its Comorbidities as a Co-Occurring Health Issue in Autistic People

Many autistic individuals have co-occurring health conditions that can be difficult to diagnose and treat. This article provides an overview of how to recognize people who may have Ehler-Danlos Syndrome and/or Mast Cell Activation Disorders so that they can be referred for evaluation and treatment as necessary.

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Tara Fappiano - Advocate. Mediator. Litigator. Conflict Resolution.

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbidity: A Systematic Approach to Treatment

Many autistics meet the criteria for comorbidities, which can be challenging for both families and therapists. Using a systematic approach, focusing on the purpose of the behaviors rather than focusing on the diagnosis, can make it less challenging.

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Editorial Calendar

Winter 2023 Issue

Understanding and Promoting Autism Advocacy

Deadline: December 1, 2022

Spring 2023 Issue

Supporting Newly Identified or Diagnosed Children and Adults

Deadline: March 2, 2023

Spring 2023 Issue

Legal Issues and the Law

Deadline: June 1, 2023

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Mental Health News Education (MHNE), publisher of Autism Spectrum News and Behavioral Health News, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that is committed to improving the lives of individuals living with autism, mental illness, and substance use disorder and supporting their families and the professional communities that serve them by providing a trusted source of science-based information, education, advocacy, and quality resources in the community.

Autism Spectrum News has been #YourTrustedSource since 2008

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