Pasajeros deberán seguir usando mascarilla en el aeropuerto
El Aeropuerto Internacional Luis Muñoz Marín informó que aunque en Puerto Rico se felixibilizó el uso de las mascarillas en Puerto Rico, en ese espacio será obigatorio su uso...
Which Coronavirus Vaccine Will Work in the Youngest Children?
Moderna is going head-to-head with Pfizer-BioNTech for the opportunity to vaccinate the youngest children, the only Americans still not eligible for shots.
It’s critical to review the requirements of HIPAA technical safeguards to ensure that your healthcare organization is compliant and able to keep PHI safe.
7 New Vulnerabilities Threaten Supply Chain, Medical Device Security
Forescout's Vedere Labs and CyberMDX discovered seven new vulnerabilities in the PTC Axeda agent that could jeopardize supply chain and medical device security.