Conozca en Tiempo Real las estadísticas de casos de COVID-19 y vacunación en Puerto Rico.
Vaxxine Plus: solución boricua reduce a 5 minutos el proceso de vacunación contra el COVID-19
Con una inversión que ronda los $3 por dosis, la plataforma hecha en Puerto Rico VaxxinePlus promete reducir a cinco minutos el proceso de inmunización por persona, ya sea en clínicas, iniciativas masivas o a domicilio,...

Puerto Rico autorizará vacuna COVID de Pfizer para mayores de 12 años
La directora del Programa de Vacunación del Departamento de Puerto Rico, la Dra. Iris Cardona, anunció en...

How have COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns affected our immune systems?
The world is more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, so many people have been living with lockdown restrictions, quarantine periods, and physical distancing for an extended period of time.

Pfizer says it will seek clearance in September for its vaccine to be used in children aged 2 to 11.
Pfizer expects to apply to the Food and Drug Administration in September for emergency authorization to administer its coronavirus vaccine to children between the ages of 2 and 11,...

Telemedicine Is a Tool — Not a Replacement for Your Doctor’s Touch
Earlier in the pandemic it was vital to see doctors over platforms like Zoom or FaceTime when in-person appointments posed risks of coronavirus exposure.

Strategies for EHR Documentation During Telehealth Visits
Telehealth has become a widespread option for patient care. But with clinician burden — primarily due to excessive EHR use — quickly swelling, health IT experts are looking for ways...

Why Students In The Medical Field Should Know About Telehealth
At this point, telehealth and telemedicine are household words, even for people who are not in the medical community.

Lo que debes saber del asma moderada y severa
El asma moderada y severa es una condición que puede afectar a cualquier edad, por ello es importante hacer seguimiento con los especialistas a fin de establecer el tratamiento adecuado.

Nearly 10 Million Cancer Screenings Missed During Pandemic
The investigators analyzed data on three types of cancer for which early screenings are most beneficial — breast, colon and prostate — and found that 9.4 million screenings for these cancers did not occur in the United States due to COVID-19.

NIST Seeks Feedback on Guide to Implementing HIPAA Security Rule
Industry stakeholders are being urged to comment on proposed changes to the NIST HIPAA Security Rule resource guide, including its uses and applications.

The 10 Factors That Fuel a Resilient Workforce
As the pandemic has challenged businesses, it’s also challenged the wellbeing of their employees, not just in terms of their physical health but their mental and financial wellness as well. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of employee resilience.

OCR Settles Eighteenth Investigation in HIPAA Right of Access Initiative
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announces its eighteenth settlement of an enforcement action in its HIPAA Right of Access Initiative.