Conozca en Tiempo Real las estadísticas de casos de COVID-19 y vacunación en Puerto Rico.

Ya en Puerto Rico la vacuna bivalente contra el COVID-19

El nuevo producto avalado por el gobierno federal contiene protección...

Leer Artículo | El Nuevo Día

Cervavac, así se llama la primera vacuna contra el cáncer de cuello uterino

El cáncer de cuello uterino es el cuarto cáncer más común entre las mujeres a nivel mundial, con un estimado de...

Leer Artículo | Medicina y Salud Pública

Nasal COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, new vaccines to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that...


Read Article | Medical News Today

How the COVID-19 pandemic may leave a long-term imprint on our health

The toll the pandemic has taken on society may be felt for years to come...

Read Article | Science News

Telemedicine maintains its value even as pandemic eases 

As workforce issues continue, skilled nursing providers are searching for ways to fill the staffing...

Read Article | McKnights

How to make telemedicine work for visually impaired patients

Telemedicine came into its own during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Read Article | Fierce Healthcare

Antipsychotics Use Climbs in Years Before Parkinson’s Diagnosis: Study

The rates of starting an antipsychotic was higher in patients before, after diagnosis...

Read Article | Parkinson's News Today

Reducing burnout among mental health workers: How community behavioral health clinics support their clinician teams 

Here are some of the principles we have seen that effective organizations embrace to...

Read Article | MedCity News

Medical Device Security Vulnerabilities Discovered in Baxter Infusion Pumps

If exploited, these medical device security vulnerabilities could result in alteration of system ...

Read Article | HealthIT Security

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