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In this issue:
"Storm the Hill" March 14-15, 2016!
Join seed advocates from across the country for ASTA's spring legislative fly-in, M arch 14 -15 in Washington, D.C.! 

ASTA's Environment and Conservation Seed Committee will meet Monday, March 14 in the morning followed by an afternoon briefing for all fly-in attendees.   On Tuesday, March 15, attendees will "Storm the Hill" to meet with legislators on the latest issues impacting the seed industry, from innovation in plant breeding and international trade, to labeling standards and environmental conservation.

More information is coming soon.  For questions or to RSVP, contact Virginia Houston, ASTA Associate Director for Domestic and Government Affairs.   Don't miss this opportunity to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill! 
ASTA Announces New State Governmental Affairs Working Group
ASTA's new State Governmental Affairs Working Group will provide a forum for identification, discussion, and resolution of state and local seed issues, in coordination with the ASTA Legislative and Legal Concerns Committee.

Chaired by Richard Taylor, Southern Seed Association, the working group will develop and implement strategies to ensure the seed industry's policy positions are fully addressed and communicated, and will explore opportunities for proactive partnerships and coalitions.

The group convened for the first time via conference call on October 19 to discuss structure, membership and ongoing/upcoming state and regional activities.  Future meetings are scheduled for December and January.  For more information, contact ASTA Director of State Affairs  Pat Miller.
Stay up-to-date on the Latest International Seed News! 
Di d you know ASTA distributes  a members-only, in-depth, quarterly e-newsletter specifically focused  on international seed issues and ASTA activit ies?   

To subscribe, email ASTA Director of Communica tions Bethany Shively with your name and affiliation. The next edition is scheduled to hit inboxes in early November.   
SIPA Business Workshop Planned for ASTA's CSS 2015 & Seed Expo
Mark your calendar for a unique opportunity at ASTA's CSS 2015 & Seed Expo.  The Seed Innovation and
Protection Alliance (SIPA) is hosting a Technical Education Unit featuring 
panel discussions on innovation identification, innovation protection procurement, and intellectual property maintenanc e. 

The workshop, complimentary to registered CSS attendees, will be held Tuesday, December 8 from 8:0 0 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.   To reserve your spot, RSVP to James Weatherly, SIPA Executive Director, by Tuesday, December 1. 
ASTA Represented at Beijing Seed Congress 
Dr. Tom Koch, AgReliant Genetics, attended the 23rd Annual Beijing Seed Congress October 16-17 on behalf of ASTA and the U.S. seed industry. The Congress provides a platform for communication, cooperation and business development for domestic and international stakeholders. 

While in Beijing, Dr. Koch also spoke at an event hosted by Dr. Song Min of the Intellectual Property Rights 361 Center to kick off the group's new intellectual property (IP) rights platform. IP has been a critical part of ASTA's efforts in China.
FuSE Webinar - "Mapping the Trail: End to End Supply Chain" 
Join the Future Seed Executives (FuSE) for an educational webinar focusing on basic supply chain concepts and the seed industry.  The session, titled, "Mapping the Trail: End to End Supply Chain," will be hosted by Wendy Brooke, Assistant Professor of Business at the University of Wisconsin Platte v ille  (UW P).  Now in her ninth year at UWP, Wendy is spearheading the university's new supply chain program.
The session will take place on October 20 at 2:00 p.m. Central Time.  To participate, use the following information:
Conference Call:
PIN: 54400568#
PIN: 122467215
Reserve Your Spot for the AMSAC/ASTA Phytosanitary Workshop
Spots are st ill op en for the AMSAC/ASTA Phytosanitary Workshop, November 4-5 in Mexicali, Mexico.  The workshop will explore ways to streamline the safe movement of seed across the U.S.-Mexico border, and is limited to 40 industry participants (20 from the U.S. and 20 from Mexico).

Topics of discussion will include: sampling and testing, small lots of seed/research seed, pest risk assessments, accreditation opportunities, untreated seed/organic seed movement, and more.

For more information, including a copy of the full agenda, please contact Kelly Crist.  To reserve your spot, RSVP to Kelly by October 28.     
ASTA Welcomes New Member!
ASTA is pleased to welcome United Phosphorous, Inc. as its newest member company.   Headquartered in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, United Phosphorus, Inc. is a premi er supplier of crop pro te ction products and plant technologies designed for the agricultural, professional and aquatics markets. 

Seeding Success


It's your membership and financial support that allows ASTA to do this work and get you the information you need. Please encourage other seed industry colleagues to join ASTA and contribute to the success of the industry.

American Seed Trade Association 

1701 Duke Street, Suite 275
, VA  22314

p (703)837.8140 │ f (703)837.9365

ASTA prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact ASTA at (703)837-8140.