CONTACT: Megan Blackburn
[email protected]
AUTISM SOCIETY VENTURA COUNTY Launches Healthcare Equity Initiative with focus on Rewriting the Vaccine Experience
August 31, 2023 – Autism Society Ventura County is proud to launch our Healthcare Equity Initiative in partnership with Autism Society of America and USAging’s Aging and Disability Vaccine Collaborative (ADVC.) Autism Society Ventura County believes that improving the vaccination experience is a critical step towards achieving more equitable healthcare for people with Autism and all neurodiverse individuals. As part of our strategic focus on health equity, the Vaccine Education Initiative (VEI) is a national program that addresses systemic barriers to healthcare, while providing education, confidence, and access.
“Autism Society Ventura County has a long history of advocating for options and access. Individuals with disabilities are often left behind when it comes to preventative healthcare. We look forward to working with doctors, nurses, and clinic staff to ensure that they have the tools to make healthcare comfortable, easy, and eliminate traumatic experiences.” - Ashley Pope, President, Autism Society Ventura County.
Autism Society Ventura County is committed to providing the resources and connections that improve outcomes for patients, providers, caregivers, and their communities. Our Goal is to:
- Address the health equity challenges faced by people with Autism across their lifetime — specifically around accessible, inclusive healthcare and vaccines.
- Ensure anyone in the Autism community has access to information, resources, support systems, and specialists to make decisions for their health.
- Ensure that healthcare providers in Ventura County are equipped with the tools they need to deliver the best care and meet the unique needs of the Autism and disability community across the lifespan.
- Ensure that all individuals and families who want a vaccination are able to receive vaccination in safe and supportive environments.
A key component of Autism Society Ventura County’s initiative are free Accessible Vaccine/Healthcare Kits to support sensory, communication, and social differences. These kits help provide a more positive healthcare experience for all ages. Kits include a variety of calming and sensory tools and typically include*:
- Noise-Reducing Headphones;
- ShotBlocker®, a non-invasive tool that lessens the pain and anxiety of needles;
- Sensory Tools: Stress ball, Fidget Spinner;
- Sunglasses ‒ to help manage light sensitivity;
- Stickers;
- Alternative Communication Methods such as visual supports.
* Items included in the Accessible Vaccine Kits are subject to change due to inventory, availability, and community
By rewriting the vaccine experience and educating healthcare providers, we are creating a path for increased vaccination accessibility for Autistic individuals and those with disabilities and complex support needs.
To schedule a 20 minute FREE lunch & learn for your healthcare office or to have our tools at your vaccination event, contact Megan at [email protected].