September 17, 2012
Table of Contents:
ANNOUNCING A NEW SERIES Religious Cultures of African & African Diaspora People Duke University Press
Egypt After the Presidential Election, September 19
CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference - "African Americans, 'Race' and Diaspora"
2 Position Openings - Purdue University

Religious Cultures of African & African Diaspora People
Duke University Press

This series invites submissions that reflect innovative engagement with the fields of African, African Atlantic, African diaspora and/or African American religious studies, as well as other complementary fields and disciplinary domains. Of special interest are projects that explore notions of "black religion," "African religion" and "African diaspora religion" by producing new knowledge about understudied phenomena, identities, institutions and epistemic expressions of African-descended people worldwide. The series is designed to focus on latent, and often ignored, landscapes of religious knowledge, formation and practice across diverse contexts and human conditions. We are open to a wide range of manuscripts from historical, cultural, political, philosophical and other perspectives aimed at broadening the scholarly resources that are retrieved to examine critically African and African diaspora religious cultures.

For additional information, contact any of the following series editors:

Jacob K. Olupona, Harvard University |
Dianne M. Diakité, Emory University |
Terrence L. Johnson, Haverford College |

Egypt After the Presidential Election

Wednesday, September 19, 2012, from 6:00-7:30pm
The New School, John Tishman Auditorium, 66 West 12th Street, NYC

Join us for a panel discussion of experts discussing what is likely to occur in Egypt following the recent presidential election.

Hazem Fahmy, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Mona El Ghobashy, Assistant Professor, Political Science and Comparative Politics, Barnard College
Timothy Mitchell, Professor, Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University
Samer Shehata, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
Moderator: Talal Asad, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center

This panel discussion launches Egypt in Transition, the 2012 Summer issue of Social Research: An International Quarterly (79:2), which is devoted to the proceedings of the 27th Social Research conference on the same theme.

Event is free and open to the public. Seating is first come-first served. RSVP is not required, but appreciated. Contact us at


CALL FOR PAPERS: International Conference
TITLE: "African Americans, 'Race' and Diaspora"
CONFERENCE DATES: June 13-15, 2013
VENUE: University Paul-Val�ry, Montpellier 3, France

Specifically dedicated to the interlocking issues of "race" and the Black
Diaspora, this event is the third in the "Diasporas, Cultures of
Mobilities, 'Race'" Conference series, organized by the research center
EMMA (University Paul-Val�ry, Montpellier 3, France) in partnership with
CAAR, CRLHOI (Universit� de la R�union), MIGRINTER (Universit� de
Poitiers) Department for Continuing Education (Oxford University, UK) Wake
Forest University (NC, USA)

We seek contributions (theoretical interventions as well as case studies)
in the fields of African American Studies and African Diaspora Studies in
the disciplines of the social sciences and the humanities that address the
following issues:

Identities. The diverse uses of "diaspora" have redefined the field of
"African American Studies". Should we rethink African American "identity"
in relation to a subject more broadly and complexly understood as
racialized and diasporic? More specifically, is the concept of
"intersectionality" a useful tool in the current effort to draw on Black
Feminist Studies, Gender Studies, Queer theory and GLBT Studies? In what
ways do the notions of super-diversity, multi-ethnicity and
multi-raciality reconfigure the "black subject"?

Diaspora, race and oppression. The notion of "race," has been
historically articulated with that of black/African diaspora. Should the
paradigmatic position of the black diaspora be rethought and/or reaffirmed
since slavery and postcoloniality as well as race consciousness are at the
core of its often contested exceptionalism? Are trauma, oppression, forced
migration still coterminous with black diaspora?

Plural, global diaspora(s). Current research on Blacks in Europe, Blacks
in Latin America and in the Indian Ocean has opened new ways of
conceptualizing race and black consciousness as well as the relation to
time and place, heritage and territory, history and memory. How are we to
envision the links, the breaking points and the articulations between the
two notions in light of critical race theory, race formation theory, new
racism, and the conception of black diasporas as rhizomatic, in motion,
and plural? Can transnationalism, creolization, cosmopolitanism be
substituted to or complement black diapora? How are we to think of a
"global" black diapora in the context of intercultural and interracial

Migrations and Black Diasporas. A comparison between African Americans,
new African migrants to the US and diasporas that have settled in other
countries (Caribbean, Argentina, Brazil, other Latin America countries)
can help us confront longue dur�e social process of diaspora sedimentation
and courte dur�e new migration flows. In what ways have the new
South-to-South migration routes from and within Africa questioned,
historical sedimented diasporic and racial identities? Is there a Black
Diaspora within Africa and what light does it shed on the diaspora/race

Post-race? The terms "post-race" and "post-black" stand at the core of
heated debates among scholars. Have the different disciplinary fields
vested interests in preserving one concept over another through certain
combinations?  What are the ideological implications of these choices?
What is the place of new African immigrants with regard to the building of
post racial societies in the US, Europe, Brazil, Argentina and other Latin
American/Caribbean countries?

Re-presentations. The arts (literature, the visual arts, popular culture,
the Internet) are privileged markers of these evolutions: notions of
avant-garde, of globalization, utopias. The current controversy around
African American literature and presence of writers who reject race
identification (cf. Everett, Whitehead) and of an American literature from
the African diaspora (cf. Mengestu, Adichie) is a case in point.

Deadline for submission of abstracts (maximum 250 words): November 15, 2012
Please submit a short bio-bibliographical notice as well (maximum 200
words) and copy the five co-convenors of the conference in your email (see
addresses below).

Pr Sally Barbour (Wake Forest University, USA)
Dr David Howard (University of Oxford, UK)
Dr Thomas Lacroix (IMI, Univ. of Oxford, UK; MIGRINTER, Universit� de
Poitiers, France)
Dr Judith Misrahi-Barak (EMMA, Universit� Paul-Val�ry - Montpellier 3,
Pr Claudine Raynaud (EMMA, Universit� Paul-Val�ry - Montpellier 3, France)


2 Position Openings - Purdue University


The Department of Political Science and the African American Studies and Research Center at Purdue University are seeking to hire a specialist in African American politics for a jointly appointed, tenure-track assistant professor position (50% Political Science and 50% AASRC, with Political Science as the tenure home). We are especially interested in candidates specializing in race and public policy, race and gender, political communication and race, ethnic identity, inter-group relations, or the politics of the African Diaspora. The successful candidate will be expected to teach graduate and undergraduate courses in American politics and public policy, as well as courses in African American Studies, such as Introduction to African American Studies, Theories in African American Studies or Research Methods in African American Studies.  Candidates should have a promising, theoretically-driven research agenda, and strong quantitative and/or qualitative methodological skills. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline; however, ABD candidates will also be considered.  The Department of Political Science edits Politics, Groups, and Identities, the new journal of the Western Political Science Association. In addition, our faculty is very active in the College of Liberal Arts Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, graduate transcript, samples of written work, and instructional materials such as syllabi and course evaluations. Send materials to: Drs. Suzanne Parker and Venetria Patton, Search Committee Co-Chairs, Department of Political Science, Purdue University, 100 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2098. Review of applications will begin October 1 and continue until the position is filled. A background check will be required for employment in this position. Purdue University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce.

The Purdue Department of Political Science announces an opening for a one year visiting Assistant Professor position in the area of environmental policy beginning August 2013. Applicants should be able to teach classes on environmental policy as well as general classes on public policy at both the graduate and undergraduate level. A Ph.D. in political science, public policy, or another appropriate interdisciplinary program is required. A demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary collaboration is desirable. Application should include curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, samples of written work, instructional materials such as syllabi and course evaluations, and a cover letter discussing the applicant's research and teaching interests. Send materials to: Prof. Keith Shimko, Search Committee Chair, Department of Political Science, Purdue University, 100 N. University St., West Lafayette, IN  47907-2098. Review of applications will begin October 15 and will continue until the position is filled. The Political Science Department maintains strong ties with Purdue's Climate Change Research Center and the Center for the Environment. The Department of Political Science also edits Politics, Groups, and Identities, the new journal of the Western Political Science Association, and our faculty is very active in the College of Liberal Arts Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion. A background check will be required for employment in this position. Purdue University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce.


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